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Re: st: Vector Simulate (I'm away)

From   <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Vector Simulate (I'm away)
Date   Sun, 11 Dec 2011 23:27:11 +0000

Thank you for your message. However, I am currently on annual leave, returning to work on Monday 19th December. I will reply to your message then.
Best wishes,

>>> "Krichevskiy, Dmitriy" <[email protected]> 12/11/11 23:21 >>>

Dear Statalist,

I am currently using 11th version of Stata. 
I am trying to create confidence intervals for a limiting distribution I calculated from period-to-period transitions observed from a Panel Data. I have confidence intervals for each of the Markov transitions. I was hoping to use -simulate- to generate a number of transitions matrices and solving each for a limiting distribution. By doing this I was hoping to get to the confidence intervals for the Limiting Distributions. I have no idea how to use -simulate- in this context.
Can anyone help?


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