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Re: st: RE: importing html to stata -

From   Lars Folkestad <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: importing html to stata -
Date   Thu, 8 Dec 2011 14:34:46 +0100

That was what i thought.
The best way to go is prob to find the ICD lists i need online, use your
infile suggestion and then merge the two data sets.
Thank you.

Den 08/12/11 14.27 skrev "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>:

>No, not directly. You can only attach value labels to integers, remember.
>But the best way you can do something similar is likely to be with a
>[email protected]
>Lars Folkestad
>Thank you Nick, that worked fantastic.
>Is it possible to use this newly created dta file as a value label for
>another data set, so that if fx in my other data set i have a patient with
>the diagnosis 000.0 which is essential cholera, the essential cholera will
>show up as a value label?
>Den 08/12/11 14.11 skrev "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>:
>>Followed by 
>>gen var1 = word(text, 1)
>>gen var2 = subinstr(text, word(text, 1), "", 1)
>>[email protected]
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Nick Cox 
>>Sent: 08 December 2011 13:07
>>To: '[email protected]'
>>Subject: RE: importing html to stata -
>>This seemed to work for me. It took a few iterations.
>>infile str244 text using, clear
>>drop in 1/39
>>drop in 20827/L
>>gen entry = regexm(text, "^\(*[0-9]")
>>replace entry = regexm(text, "^\([E|N|Y][0-9]") if entry == 0
>>replace entry = regexm(text, "^[E|N|Y][0-9]") if entry == 0
>>replace entry = sum(entry)
>>replace text = text[_n-1] + " " + text if entry == entry[_n-1]
>>sort entry, stable
>>by entry : keep if _n == _N
>>drop entry
>>[email protected]
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [email protected]
>>[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lars Folkestad
>>Sent: 08 December 2011 12:42
>>To: [email protected]
>>Subject: st: importing html to stata -
>>Dear List
>>I would like to download the following html into stata:
>>I would like to make the numbers from 000 - _n be var1 and the text from
>>cholera to be var2
>>Can this be done through stata or do i need to go via a program of some
>>I've tried searching the list, and found one example:
>>But i must admit i did not understand what that was all about, and i dont
>>think it applies to my problem.
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