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RE: st: RE: Non-linear multilevel modeling
Cameron McIntosh <[email protected]>
STATA LIST <[email protected]>
RE: st: RE: Non-linear multilevel modeling
Wed, 7 Dec 2011 14:19:36 -0500
I would guess that most of the percents in this case are between 0 and 100... but if there are some 0s, perhaps some of the methods developed by our friends who sort and count cells might help:
Bagwell, C.B. (2005). Hyperlog-a flexible log-like transform for negative, zero, and positive valued data. Cytometry Part A, 64(1), 34-42.
Parks, D.R., Roederer, M., & Moore, W.A. (2006). A New "Logicle" Display Method Avoids Deceptive Effects of Logarithmic Scaling for Low Signals and Compensated Data. Cytometry Part A, 69, 541–551.
Frelinger, J., Kepler, T.B., & Chan, C. (2008). Flow: Statistics, visualization and informatics for flow cytometry. Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2008, 3(10).
although I've never seen these used in regression in social science contexts. Anyway, thought this might be of interest.
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 17:07:20 +0000
> Subject: st: RE: Non-linear multilevel modeling
> The question with percents is always whether the limits bite in terms of functional forms that do, or do not, make sense. If your percents are a long way from 0 and 100, the fact that they are percents may be secondary. Also, you can model nonlinear changes with year using a polynomial or splines, so linear models are not restricted to straight-line fits. But whatever you do, watch for predictions that escape [0,100].
> Or if your percents are never 0 or 100, you could model logit(depvar/100).
> Sooner or later I imagine -xtlogit- will permit continuous proportions in the response, but that doesn't seem to have happened yet.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Jennyfer Wolf
> which options are there to do non-linear multilevel modelling in Stata?
> My dependent variable is a percentage and I have only one independent
> variable which is time.
> My different levels are regions and countries.
> For the moment I just have a model for a linear relationship:
> xtmixed depvar year || region: || country:
> Thank you very much for your answer.
> Jennyfer
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