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[no subject]

Stata's -sem- does not support nonlinear latent variable models.
However, you might be able to set this up in -gllamm- if t is an
observed variable.

Frankly, I am not sure your model is identified.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 8:25 AM, Zhi Su <> wrote:
> Hi, dear Statalists,
>  I want to use "sem" for a structural equation model, where Y is
> outcome, x is colntorl variable, t is variable with interest, A is a
> latent variable. The latent variable has two indicators :a1 a2. I want
> to run a model as the following.
> Y<-x t t*A
> A<-x
> a1<-A
> a2<-A
> Here is the problem. t*A is the interaction term between A and t, and
> Stata return that "t*A" is an unknown variable. The interaction term
> can not be generated to be an variable by using "generate" because A
> is a latent variable. How can I use an interaction term between latent
> variable and observed variable in "sem"? Thanks!

Zhi Su
348 Holmes Hall
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
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