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st: RE: Parallel elementwise function application in Mata?
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: RE: Parallel elementwise function application in Mata?
Wed, 7 Dec 2011 11:40:10 +0000
Depends on f, which presumably is some mathematically-defined function not already part of Mata.
Yes, in the sense that you can write a Mata function to make this possible.
But I suspect that in most cases you would need to loop over the rows and columns inside the function any way, which in a way is saying No.
Otherwise, pointers may be what you are looking for.
[email protected]
Thomas Alexander Stephens
I'm using Mata in Stata 12. Given a matrix A and a scalar function f, which
has no side effects, I'd like to compute a matrix B with
B[i, j] = f(A[i, j]).
Since there are no side effects, I'd like to run the elementwise
computations in parallel. Is this possible?
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