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Re: st: Calculating margins after biprobit

From   Tirthankar Chakravarty <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Calculating margins after biprobit
Date   Tue, 6 Dec 2011 10:39:32 -0800

I corrected you based on what you sent to the list. As in the example
I sent, you need to enter your model in Stata with the included
exogenous variables in the main/"second stage" regression and all
exogenous variables in the "first stage" regression.


On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Wakeman, Simon <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thanks both for your comments.
> Tirthankar Chakravarty: I am not clear as to what is your criticism of the way I have estimated the binary outcome. Unfortunately I do not have the 2nd edition of Wooldridge's text (only the first) but from what I can gather from your example the difference is that you include Z on the RHS of both first and second equations (which is actually what I had done - I had just mistakenly omitted it). Please can you confirm.
> I am interested in precisely the marginal/partial effect you mention (P[Y1i=1|Y2i=1, Zi] - P[Y1i=1|Y2i=0, Zi]) so this is very helpful.
> urbain thierry YOGO: I still get the error message when I try the command you suggested. I can overcome this by adding "force" to the options, but it does not solve the issue of whether I have a potential problem.
> Simon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tirthankar Chakravarty
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:10 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: Calculating margins after biprobit
> Two comments:
> 1) The way that you have estimated the binary outcome with binary endogenous variables model using -biprobit- is not correct. Here is a replication of an example in Wooldridge, "Econometric Analysis of Cross-Section and Panel Data", 2nd ed., 2010, MIT Press, to be found in table 15.2, pg. 598:
> *********************************************************************************
> use, clear biprobit (worked=nonmomi educ c.age##c.age black hispan morekids) ///
>        (morekids=nonmomi educ c.age##c.age black hispan samesex)
> *********************************************************************************
> Here "morekids" is the binary endogenous variable and "worked" is the binary outcome. Note how the model is entered in Stata. The coefficient on the binary endogenous variable is -0.703, as reported in the text.
> 2) It is important to be sure what you mean by marginal/partial effects in this context. One such quantity of interest, which can be called partial effect of a change in the binary endogenous variable, for an individual would be:
> P[Y1i=1|Y2i=1, Zi] - P[Y1i=1|Y2i=0, Zi]
> where Y1 is the binary outcome and Y2 is the binary endogenous variable; Z are all the exogenous variables in the system. This can be constructed in Stata as the nonlinear prediction:
> ***********************************
> predictnl probch = predict(pcond1) - ///
>   predict(p10)/(1-predict(pmarg2))
> ***********************************
> after the estimation above. The sample average of this quantity (use
> -summ-) is the average partial effect, where partial effect is defined as above. Other "partial effects" of interest can be defined.
> Please see section 15.7.3 in Prof. Woodridge's book for an excellent discussion of these issues.
> T
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 12:37 PM, urbain thierry YOGO <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Try the following command
>> margins, dydx(_all) post
>> this is equivalent to  mfx compute, predict(p11) with
>> (p11)=(depvar1=1, depvar2=1) however a simple and general way is the
>> following
>> The marginal effects for, Pr(depvar1=1, depvar2=1), are mfx compute,
>> predict(p11) The marginal effects for Pr(depvar1=1, depvar2=0) are mfx
>> compute, predict(p10) The marginal effects for Pr(depvar1=0,
>> depvar2=1) are mfx compute, predict(p01) The marginal effects for
>> Pr(depvar1=0, depvar2=0) are mfx compute, predict(p00)
>> 2011/12/5, Wakeman, Simon <[email protected]>:
>>> I am investigating the effect of a binary variable X on a binary variable Y,
>>> where X is potentially endogenous. I estimated a biprobit:
>>>  biprobit (Y = X ) (X = Z).
>>> However, when I use the following margins command
>>>  margins, dydx(X) over(X)
>>> I get the error message:
>>> "default prediction is a function of possibly stochastic quantities other
>>> than e(b)"
>>> I also tried mfx but it does not seem to produce a marginal effect for X.
>>> I would much appreciate if anyone can tell me how to obtain the marginal
>>> effect of X on Y.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Simon
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>> --
>> *Urbain Thierry YOGO
>> P.h.D candidate in Economics*
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> --
> Tirthankar Chakravarty
> [email protected]
> [email protected]
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Tirthankar Chakravarty
[email protected]
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