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Re: st: Recovering Names of Factor Variables for Displaying Table of Estimates
[email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
[email protected]
Re: st: Recovering Names of Factor Variables for Displaying Table of Estimates
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:18:11 -0600
Lloyd Dumont <[email protected]> is using -estimates table- with results
from a model using factor variables with interactions but is getting an error
message even when identifying an interaction coefficient correctly in the
-keep()- option:
> Thanks, Alan. That does generate a list of variables, including those
> created to capture the ineractions. But, I get the same problem. For
> example, according to the coeflegend table, one of the interactions is
> called 1.X1#c.X2. But, if I try to generate a table of estimates...
> estimates table M1 M2, ///
> stats(N) star(.1 .05 .01) ///
> keep(1.X1#c.X2) ///
> b(%9.4fc) stfmt(%9.0fc) style(oneline)
> I get
> X1#c: operator invalid
> So, that leaves me back where I started...
Lloyd found a parsing bug in -estimates table-. We have determined the cause
of the error and fixed it. The fix will be available in the next update to
Stata 12.
[email protected]
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