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st: RE: replacing var if it meets criteria

From   "Parker, Sophie" <>
To   "" <>
Subject   st: RE: replacing var if it meets criteria
Date   Sun, 30 Oct 2011 16:32:51 +0000


I'm trying to automate the task of having to evaluate a table. For example, I have a bunch of countries with different port names, some of which are missing. I want to replace the missing value with the port that has the highest volume (volume is given by variable totalFixtureCargoSize). In the table below, this would be Arzew: 

 tabulate LoadPort totalFixtureCargoSize if LoadCountry == "ALGERIA"

                      |      totalFixtureCargoSize

            Load Port |    400000    2310000   6.08e+07 |     Total


                ARZEW |         0          0        380 |       380 

               BEJAIA |         5          0          0 |         5 

               SKIKDA |         0         27          0 |        27 


                Total |         5         27        380 |       412 

I.e., if ALGERIA has a missing LoadPort, then it puts in Arzew. This command clearly doesn't work but should give you an idea:

bysort LoadCountry: replace LoadPort = LoadPort if LoadPort = "" & LoadPort = max(totalFixtureCargoSize)

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