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st: local variables and running do files

From   Maria Ana Vitorino <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: local variables and running do files
Date   Fri, 28 Oct 2011 14:21:03 -0400

Dear statalist users,
I would like to run a do file in batches (i.e. a few lines at a time) but it seems that then the local variables that I defined in the beginning do not carry over ...
Any solution for this?

Here is some output for a simple example so that you can better understand what is my issue.


. do "/var/folders/Xn/Xnl4Mq-lGR4-mNII1zm-Wk+++TI/-Tmp-//SD17268.000000"

. sum

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        var1 |        24        12.5    7.071068          1         24
        var2 |        24        36.5    7.071068         25         48
        var3 |        24        61.5    7.071068         50         73

. local var "var1 var2"

end of do-file

. do "/var/folders/Xn/Xnl4Mq-lGR4-mNII1zm-Wk+++TI/-Tmp-//SD17268.000000"

. sum `var'

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        var1 |        24        12.5    7.071068          1         24
        var2 |        24        36.5    7.071068         25         48
        var3 |        24        61.5    7.071068         50         73


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