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st: Duplicates order tagging

From   "Ben Hoen" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Duplicates order tagging
Date   Fri, 28 Oct 2011 00:28:14 -0400


If I have a set that contains the following values:

1.	A
2.	A
3.	A
4.	B
5.	B
6. 	C

I can use .duplicates tag, g(freq) to generate a count of the duplicates:

	letter	freq
1.	A	3
2.	A	3
3.	A	3
4.	B	2
5.	B	2
6. 	C	1

But I would also like to generate an order variable (e.g., " order") that
increases for each successive iteration of the variable.  Such as:

	letter	freq	order
1.	A	3	1
2.	A	3	2
3.	A	3	3
4.	B	2	1
5.	B	2	2
6. 	C	1	1

Is there an easy way to do that?



Ben Hoen
Principal Research Associate
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Office: 845-758-1896
Cell: 718-812-7589
[email protected]

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