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Re: st: ztnb model
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected], [email protected]
Re: st: ztnb model
Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:19:50 -0500
At 11:54 AM 10/27/2011, sara balestri wrote:
Dear Stata users,
I'm running a ztnb model on a sample of count data which, by
construction, excludes the possibility of zero counts. Overdispersion
detected in the data.
I have few questions:
1) does exist a nbvargr equivalent command to be applied for nb and
ztnb comparison?
2) my count data do not include zero counts and observations start
with a minum value of 25 for the dependent variable (by definition of
the event analysed) . I'm wondering if a ztnb is the most appropriate
model and/or if it is possible to fix the truncation at that value.
Any suggestion?
If you have Stata 12, "ztnb has been superseded by tnbreg. tnbreg
allows the specification of any nonnegative integer as the left
truncation point; thus it does what ztnb can do and more." Whether it
is appropriate, in your case, to use a value other than 0, I don't know.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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