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st: Offsetting xlabels in scatter plot
Bert Jung <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Offsetting xlabels in scatter plot
Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:59:17 -0400
Dear Statalisters,
I trying to make a scatter plot with numerical values on the y-axis
and 3-4 labeled categories on the x-axis. In this case it a scatter
of estimated coefficients from 3-4 different regressions where the
regression name is listed on the x-axis and the coefficient on the
y-axis (they're all the same scale).
My problem is that the category labels are quite long therefore
overlap. I would like to offset every other label to avoid this
overlap. I understand this can be done for the -bar- graph via
-over()- but how to do this for regular -twoways-?
I realize that I could make the graph horizontal and put the labels on
the y-axis. But since they are quite lengthy I would need a second
row for each label.
In the following example I get a x-axis
AMC Concord AMC Pacer AMC Spirit Audi 500
But what I want is every other label to be offset
AMC Concord AMC Spirit
AMC Pacer Audi 500
* Example - my labels are much longer
sysuse auto
encode make, gen( m )
keep if m<5
scatter mpg m, xlab( , valuelabels)
Thanks for any pointers,
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