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From | Valerie Orozco <> |
To | "" <> |
Subject | st: Not the same results with GARCH |
Date | Tue, 25 Oct 2011 13:37:50 +0000 |
Hi, I have some trouble with the "arch" command. I want to model a MA(1) process and a GARCH on its residuals. When I specify the technique of optimization, I find quite the same results whatever the method (nr bhhh dfp bfgs). But when I don't write the "technique" option, I have very strange results (see below). I thought that no specifying the technique means that the technique would have been the default one (nr) but it seems not... Do you have an idea? What I am doing wrong??? Thank you. Valérie Here you have my program: /****************************************************/ eststo clear eststo Free : arch valeur, ma(1) garch(1) arch(1) local tech "nr bhhh dfp bfgs" foreach t of local tech { qui eststo `t' : arch valeur, ma(1) garch(1) arch(1) technique(`t') } estout /****************************************************/ And here, you have the results : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free nr bhhh dfp bfgs b b b b b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- valeur _cons 110.1188 102.2961 102.2969 102.2965 102.2959 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARMA .7813551 .6950596 .6950131 .6950479 .6950538 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCH L.arch -.0278845 .2406442 .2407423 .2405665 .2407807 L.garch -.9560793 .741724 .7416003 .7417785 .7415708 _cons 254.3421 5.670839 5.675977 5.672461 5.67767 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Valérie OROZCO Toulouse School of Economics (INRA-GREMAQ) 21, allée de Brienne F-31000 Toulouse, France MF 219 +33 5 61 12 85 91 ------------------------------- * * For searches and help try: * * *