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Re: st: reshaping + info from label
Abhimanyu Arora <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: reshaping + info from label
Tue, 25 Oct 2011 02:56:54 +0200
I guess the way I named my variables variable1ab etc is misleading.
Say its varz vary varx etc (having the labels "A B", "C D", "E F"
respectively and I would like to have 2 variables newvar1 and newvar2
that contain the identifying info in the labels of the original
Hope the problem is better explained now?
On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:46 AM, Abhimanyu Arora
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Thanks Nick, let me pls elaborate the problem.
> The reason why -ds- or your -findname- come into the picture is
> because I would like to take some strings out of the variable label
> and place them into the data.
> So let us consider only one variable variable1ab. "A B" is the
> variable label for the variable variable1ab and I would like to create
> 2 new variables taking up the values (two strings from the label) A
> and B and the third variable takes up the original value of the
> variable. The reason for all this is that I would eventually like to
> take some correlations -by- A and B (this information is available in
> the variable label).
> Cheers
> Abhimanyu
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:10 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> You don't show what you tried with -reshape-. If these were string
>> variables, then you can go
>> input date str1 variable1ab str1 variable2cd
>> . 1 q w
>> . 2 e r
>> end
>> reshape long variable, i(date) string
>> l
>> +-----------------------+
>> | date _j variable |
>> |-----------------------|
>> 1. | 1 1ab q |
>> 2. | 1 2cd w |
>> 3. | 2 1ab e |
>> 4. | 2 2cd r |
>> +-----------------------+
>> I don't follow what you are trying to explain about labels. Value
>> labels? Variable labels? Nor do I follow what the connection with -ds-
>> or -findname- (SJ) is here.
>> Nick
>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Abhimanyu Arora
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I am trying to reshape data that has the following form---
>>> date variable1ab variable2cd
>>> 1 q w
>>> 2 e r
>>> Assume the variable variable1ab is labelled A B, while variable2cd is
>>> labelled C D (actually strings, though)
>>> Finally I would like the data to be of the following form
>>> date var1 var2 value
>>> 1 A B q
>>> 2 A B e
>>> 1 C D w
>>> 2 C D r
>>> I feel the solution might lie in the commands -ds- or Nick Cox's
>>> -findname- together with -reshape- but I am just unable to see how.
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