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st: mlogtest after mlogit

From   Chiara Mussida <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: mlogtest after mlogit
Date   Mon, 24 Oct 2011 11:59:31 +0200

Dear All,
I run I mlogit with a dependent variables for 9 outcome categories. As
postestimation checks I tried to carry out a test for the equality of
coefs across categories: mlogtest, c

before despalying the output of thus check, STATA (version 12) says:
 mlogtest, c

Problem determining number of categories.

what does it mean? my dependent variable, transition, is built as follows:
ge transition=0
replace transition=1 if UE==1
replace transition=2 if UN==1
replace transition=3 if UU==1
replace transition=4 if EU==1
replace transition=5 if EN==1
replace transition=6 if EE==1
replace transition=7 if NE==1
replace transition=8 if NU==1
replace transition=9 if NN==1

where each outcome is a transition or permanence in each labour market
state (namely, Unemployment, Employment, Non labour force)

Kind Regards
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