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Re: st: Stata 11 under Gnome 3

From   Antoine Terracol <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata 11 under Gnome 3
Date   Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:13:36 +0200

Hi David, and thanks for the link.

As a matter of fact, I have another computer for which I did an upgrade (as opposed to a fresh install) to 11.10 (32 bits, though); and Stata works fine.

I did manage to launch xstata in my fresh install of Oneiric 64 bits, but opening the do file editor crashes Stata. In Ubuntu 11.04 this was solved by installing libgtksourceview1.0-0 (as indicated in the message you link to), but the package is not available anymore in the Oneiric repos... As a workaround I use gedit to send my code to Stata (using the external tools plugin and a small script I can send to anyone interested).

If I can't find a solution maybe I'll do a fresh install of Natty, configure Stata as indicated in your link, and then upgrade to Oneiric...

Thanks for your help, I'll report back when a solution is found.

On 15/10/11 08:32, David Muller wrote:
Hi Antoine,

I just upgraded to 11.10 and dynamically linked Stata (both versions
12 and 11) are working fine. Have you tried following the instructions
posted previously?

If so and xstata still won't launch, does ldd report any missing
dependencies when run on the Stata executable?


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Antoine Terracol
<[email protected]>  wrote:
Thanks Roland,

I actually used the blog's instruction when installing in 11.04 (which uses
Gnome2) and Stata was working just fine, but it failed to launch in 11.10
(using Gnome3). The console version works without problems, it's just the

I'll investigate and post a solution here if I can find one.


On 14/10/11 07:49, roland andersson wrote:


Google on stata and ubuntu with restriction to last year gives some
information that may help.

I do not know the difference between Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10.

Roland Andersson

2011/10/13 Antoine Terracol<[email protected]>:

Hi all,

has anyone managed to install and run the Stata 11 (GUI) under the new
Ubuntu 11.10 (or another GTK3 system).

After installing the dynamically linked version (64 bits), making the
symbolic links to and to
  ; and installing libgnomeprint2.2-0, I get the following error message:

Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the
same process is not supported

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