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Re: st: A more informative error mesage in -reshape-
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: A more informative error mesage in -reshape-
Thu, 13 Oct 2011 23:58:42 +0100
Everyone who has got an uninformative error message will sympathise,
but in this case I think it's important to see why this one arises.
First, -reshape- is here processing stubnames -- not variable names as
Jorge loosely states.
Second, -reshape- is just processing token by token. It doesn't have a
sense of what comes next, or even that there's another stubname next
in line, as there need not be. That's a good design, indeed more or
less an inevitable design, for -reshape-'s multiple syntax.
So, I doubt that there is a short fix to meet Jorge's suggestion.
Naturally, this is StataCorp's decision to make.
2011/10/13 Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>:
> Dear Statalist
> Reshaping a lot of variables, I noticed that if by mistake, you repeat
> one of the variables you want to reshape, Stata issues a
> noninformative variable not found error message.
> . webuse reshape4
> . des incf
> storage display value
> variable name type format label variable label
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> incf float %9.0g f inc
> . reshape long inc inc, i(id) j(sex) string
> (note: j = f m)
> variable incf not found
> I think this should be changed to "inc already reshaped" or something
> similar. When you are reshaping many variables or using varlists, the
> mistake might be hard to notice.
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