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Re: st: "by" option can't be command with "do" command
Andrew Dyck <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: "by" option can't be command with "do" command
Tue, 11 Oct 2011 08:04:27 -0600
Hi Tuki,
Presumably, you have written a program in the do-file you are trying
to call with the -by- command. Assuming that you have written a
program of the form:
capture drop program gridSearch
program define gridSearch
and this program is defined in a do-file name ''
You should be able to accomplish your task by including the program in
your main do-file document like so:
include ""
And then, call the program in your main document with the -by- command.
bysort hs : gridSearch
Now, the last assumption here is that you have defined your gridSearch
program to be -byable-. There is a good amount of information online
about writing Stata programs to cover this part. I'd take care to test
these programs quite a bit though to make sure it's doing what you
think it's doing.
Good luck!
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 7:55 AM, Tuki <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I encountered a problem in running a grid-search program for each group of
> hs-classified observations in my dataset. For example, there are five values
> (10290,10420,10511,10519,10591) of “hs” in the following dataset, how can I
> run the grid-search program for each group of the five different values?
> Additionally, I tried to write command “by hs:….” to run my grid-search
> program for each hs-classified group, unfortunately, the program failed to
> run because the debug reminded me that “by” can’t be combined with “do
> file”. Can somebody help with this problem? Thank you very much!
> hs country cusval quantity product t
> 10290 736 283.731 141 57894 14
> 10420 826 10.615 1.375 71228 6
> 10511 276 78 2.687 18150 9
> 10511 528 196.735 3.278 40015 15
> 10511 818 148.753 11.0796 70071 9
> 10511 251 4.861 .718 14568 8
> 10519 276 6.189 .718 18151 7
> 10519 276 9.396 .621 18151 5
> 10519 404 7.355 .636 32462 4
> 10591 682 10.8318 .812 46729 12
> 10591 528 9.09482 .636 40017 8
> 10591 276 8.49024 .417 18152 9
> --
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