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st: Which estimator to use for correlation among panels?

From   "Klaus Giesler" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Which estimator to use for correlation among panels?
Date   Mon, 10 Oct 2011 15:22:25 +0200

Hi everyone,

I got a balanced panel. Its time series dimension spans over t, t = 1, ...,
T, the cross-section spans over i, i = 1, ..., I.
The dependent variable contains the exact same time series in every panel.
Therefore, it does not vary with i, say, it's constant over i.

I suspect that there is autocorrelation within the groups of an explanatory
variable. Here's my (reduced) model:

y_it = b0 + b1 * x_it + u_it,

where y_it = y_jt for all i, j. Then, I suspect cor(x_it, x_jt) != 0 for at
least some i, j. My question is: What estimator do I use in Stata for that?
I need an estimator that controls for this possibly present correlation but
still returns "interpretable" coefficients. I played around with xtpcse,
xtdpdsys and xtdpd, but I'm not sure if they are really suited for my
purpose. Is there anyone that could point this out for me?


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