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st: RE: relative survival
Tim Evans <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: RE: relative survival
Mon, 10 Oct 2011 09:27:24 +0100
Hi Enzo,
Thanks for the further clarification! Wasn't aware of the Pohar-Perme net survival estimator being implemented in strs, I can take a look now!
Best wishes
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Enzo Coviello
Sent: 08 October 2011 11:39
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: relative survival
Hi all,
Let me add some more information on the relative survival in Stata:
The method that -strel- and other similar programmes use for
calculating crude or observed survival is the actuarial (life table)
method. You don't necessarily need to read a specific Stata book as
this is implemented in other stats packages and the methods behind
it are well know. You should be able to get the same crude survival
using -ltable- in Stata, with your code it would be this:
-strel-, as far as I know, should use a maximum likelihood approach for estimating the relative survival, i.e. (observed surv) / (expected surv).
-strs- implements a life table approach for estimating the same function. The observed survival computed by -strs- is identical to that computed by -ltable-.
What -strel- names as -crude survival- should be the observed surv computed as back transformation of the cumulative hazard. As far as I know -strel- does not compute the crude probability (cumulative incidence) of death whereas -strs- does compute this function by implementing the method described by Cronin and Feuer (Stat in Med 2000)
I would also note that in the last updated version -strs- adds the opportunity to estimate the Pohar-Perme net survival estimator, a true important innovation in the population survival analysis (Pohar-Perme Biometrics 2011).
Best wishes
Enzo Coviello
Epidemiology Unit - Cancer Registry ASL BT
Piazza Umberto 1
mobile +39 347 5016016
tel +39 0883 577329
fax +39 0883 577288
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