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st: In unbalanced panel, make sure individuals begin in month X and end in month Y
Richard Herron <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: In unbalanced panel, make sure individuals begin in month X and end in month Y
Sat, 8 Oct 2011 16:59:35 -0400
How can I make sure individuals in a panel begin in one given month
and ends in another given month? For example, I want to make sure that
every firm in an unbalanced monthly panel begins in April and ends in
March. A priori I don't know each firm's first or last month (i.e.,
unbalanced panel).
My end goal is to use -rolling- to perform regressions with a 48-month
window and a 12-month step size to get regression coefficients each
year. I want to avoid regressing every month and dropping 11 of 12
entries each year, which would be very time-consuming.
Thanks! Here is some code:
* ----- begin code -----
* generate random starting dates
set obs 250
egen int id = seq()
generate int date_m = 1 + int(12*runiform())
generate int date_y = 1960 + int(50*runiform())
generate int date_ym = ym(date_y, date_m)
format date_ym %tm
* add random number of observations to each id
generate int n_obs = 1 + int(20*12*runiform())
expand n_obs
bysort id: replace date_ym = date_ym + _n
* generate random variables
generate y = rnormal()
generate x = rnormal()
* I would like to do this rolling regression with a 12 month step-size
* and have them go from April through March four years later
tsset id date_ym
rolling z = (e(rss) / e(N)) ///
, window(48) stepsize(12) saving(temp, replace) ///
: regress y x
* ----- end code -----
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