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st: xtivreg2 invalid variable name r(198); while using first or fe option

From   "Daniel Schalling" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: xtivreg2 invalid variable name r(198); while using first or fe option
Date   Wed, 5 Oct 2011 12:32:40 +0200

Hi Statalist,

I used xtivreg2 with different simple syntaxes and got, when using specific
options, the error message " invalid name r(198);":
- xtivreg2 depvar [varlist1] (endogvar=iv),fe   --> one variable of varlist1
is said to have an " invalid name r(198);"
- xtivreg2 depvar [varlist1] (endogvar=iv),fe first  --> the same variable
of varlist1 is said to have an " invalid name r(198);"
- xtivreg2 depvar [varlist1] (endogvar=iv),fd   --> estimation works
- xtivreg2 depvar [varlist1] (endogvar=iv),fd first --> depvar is said to
have an " invalid name r(198);"

When I'm trying for example
- xtivreg depvar [varlist1] (endogvar=iv),fe first
the estimation works.

What is the problem for that and how can it be solved?

I found this topic about that problem:

But I'm not sure about how to implement the suggested solution.

Thanks a lot, Daniel.

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