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st: Announcing SASdecoder 6.3

From   David Kantor <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Announcing SASdecoder 6.3
Date   Mon, 03 Oct 2011 14:32:25 -0400

Dear Statalisters:

I am a long-time active member of Statalist and I am seeking comment/review from Statalist members on software I've written for Stata.

SASdecoder (for Windows) translates SAS code for reading raw data and writes Stata dictionaries, Stata do-files, or Stat/Transfer schema files. The idea is to make it easier to use a raw dataset when given SAS code to read it.

Some of you may recall that I had posted a similar announcement several months ago. Today's announcement follows a new release, with some important improvements. Most notably, SASdecoder now accepts grouped format lists in input statements, as well as variable ranges (e.g., score1-score5) in a variety of contexts.

I am hoping that Statalisters will try it and then write back to Statalist with their comments -- positive, I hope, but most importantly, unbiased.

You can download it by going to

However, to run it with full functionality, you will need a license. Any Statalisters wishing to try SASdecoder with full functionality can write to me and I will gladly send a free demonstration license, valid for 30 days.

Obviously I have an agenda, but I really do think the software is useful in some situations. I have received permission -- but not endorsement -- from Marcello Pagano, Statalist's administrator, for this posting.

I will not use comments with names attached in advertising without seeking your permission.

Thank you all for your kind attention to this. I look forward to seeing your responses.

-- David Kantor
[email protected]

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