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From | Nick Cox <> |
To | |
Subject | Re: st: GAMFIT failure despite updated gam |
Date | Fri, 30 Sep 2011 15:39:52 +0100 |
Thanks for the thanks, but there is a small confusion here to which I may have contributed. As I understand it, GAMs in Stata are implemented in terms of cubic smoothing splines, so the choice here is small, in terms of two different spline-based methods. Spline experts could tie you in knots [*] explaining the fine differences, but often in practice the results are very similar. Nick * That's enough of these jokes. Please remove this one. - Statalist censor. On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Matthew Baldwin, MD <> wrote: > Nick, > > Thanks for this code, it's a very nice alternative. > > I think you're ahead of many of us, but right, about cubic splines being > better. Clinician-scientists like myself are still using GAMs, and in fact, > I think GAM use is still increasing at least in the pulmonary literature, > e.g. Busse WW, et al. New England Journal of Medicine, 2011; 364:1005. > We're just lagging behind the curve I guess... > > Matthew > > Quoting Nick Cox <>: > >> Back to Matthew's question after my digressions, although some points >> in the digressions are highly pertinent. >> >> The documentation for -gam- on SSC does not mention Windows 7. No idea >> whether that's the crucial detail. >> >> More positively, what Matthew wants here is a highly standard model >> supported by -glm-. >> >> The only twist is wanting to model dependence on the x variable as a >> smooth function of x using splines. >> >> I guess Matthew is likely to get good results with one or all of the >> following approaches. >> >> 1. Creating a bundle of spline variables with -mkspline- and then using >> those. >> >> Here is a simple example: >> >> sysuse auto, clear >> >> mkspline w = weight, cubic nknots(3) >> >> ds w? >> >> glm foreign w? , f(binomial) link(logit) >> >> predict foreign_p >> >> gen weight_show = round(weight, 50) >> >> bysort weight_show foreign : gen foreign_show = /// >> cond(foreign, foreign - (_n-1)/50, foreign + (_n-1)/50) >> >> scatter foreign_show weight_show, ms(Oh) sort /// >> || mspline foreign_p weight, bands(200) legend(off) /// >> ytitle("`: var label foreign'") xtitle("`: var label weight'") >> >> (Some of the code here is binning and stacking for a nicer plot.) >> >> 2. Using -mvrs- to similar effect (SJ 7-1). >> >> Nick >> >> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:18 PM, Matthew Baldwin, MD >> <> wrote: >> >>> Despite having downloaded the most uptodate gam program that includes >>> gam, >>> gamfit, gambig, gamhuge, gamhug2, unzipping it, and indicating to Stata >>> where the program is, I still get the following error message below. >>> >>> Of note, I run Windows 7, and initally received an r(603) message after >>> running the code below, and after doing what was recommended: 'update >>> all, >>> update swap', and now running Stata 11 as an administrator, I still cant >>> get >>> the gam program to work. >>> >>> It worked previously on this computer with this code before it was >>> rebuilt/reinstalled. Any help is greatly appreciated. >>> >>> ssc desc gam >>> ssc install gam >>> !unzip >>> >>> global GAMDIR C:\ado\plus\g\ >>> gam yvar xvar if dcyear > 2005, f(binomial) link(logit) df(xvar:3) big >>> GAMFIT failure, $.out not found >>> stats not found >>> r(111); >> * * For searches and help try: * * *