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Re: st: Right Censored ordered probit with Stata 11
Urmi Bhattacharya <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Right Censored ordered probit with Stata 11
Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:47:02 +0530
I am posting the entire code , the simulated data and the output I get
( my apologies for it being too long).
set trace on
. set traced 1
. *Start cprbt.ado ---
. capture program drop coprbt
. program define coprbt , eclass byable(recall)
1. version 11.0
2. *Replay support.
. if replay() {
3. if "`e(cmd)'" != "coprbt" {
4. error 301
5. }
6. syntax [, level(passthru)]
7. }
8. *Main program
. else {
9. syntax varlist [if] [in] , censored(varname)
[level(passthru) *]
10. marksample touse
11. preserve
12. qui keep if `touse'
13. gettoken depvar indepvars : varlist
14. *Rescale the independent variable into categories one through maxvalue
. tempvar newdepvar
15. egen `newdepvar'=group(`depvar')
16. qui sum `newdepvar'
17. local maxvalue =r(max)
18. *Check to make sure there are uncensored obs for each value
. forvalues i=1(1)`maxvalue' {
19. tempvar ucsample sumucs
20. qui gen `ucsample'=0
21. qui replace `ucsample'=(`censored'!=1) if
22. qui gen `sumucs'=sum(`ucsample')
23. local errorcount =0
24. capture assert `sumucs'[_N]>0&`sumucs'[_N]<.
25. if _rc==9 {
26. di as error "WARNING: value
number `i' has no uncensored obs"
27. }
28. drop `sumucs'
29. drop `ucsample'
30. }
31. *Store in local k the number of cutpoints that will be necessary
. local k =`maxvalue'-1
32. *Pass the name of the censoring variable to the evaluator (as a
global macro)
. global OGLFXH "`censored'"
33. /*Passes the name of the censoring variable*/
. *Estimate a regular ordered probit to get initial value estimates
. qui oprobit `newdepvar' `indepvars'
34. *Take the coefficients and cutpoints from the ordered probit and
store them.
. tempname starting
35. matrix `starting'=e(b)
36. matrix list `starting'
37. tempname cutvector
38. matrix `cutvector'=`starting'[1,"_cut1".."_cut`k'"]
39. *Put together local macros with the starting values
. forvalues i=1(1)`k' {
40. local cut`i'=`cutvector'[1,`i']
41. local initlist "`initlist' /_cut`i'=`cut`i''"
42. local cutlist "`cutlist' /_cut`i'"
43. }
44. foreach var of local indepvars {
45. local `var'_b
46. }
47. foreach var of local indepvars {
48. local initlist "`initlist' `var'=``var'_b'"
49. }
50. *And finally, estimate the model.
. ml model lf coprbt_ll (`newdepvar'=`indepvars' ,
nocons ) `cutlist' ///
> if `touse' , maximize title("Homemade Censored Ordered Probit") ///
> init(`initlist') `options'
51. ereturn local cmd "coprbt"
52. }
53. ml display , `level'
54. end
. *END coprbt.ado
. *START coprbt_ll.ado
. *! v. 1.0 for use with coprbt.ado -Owen Haaga 22 August 2003
. capture program drop coprbt_ll
. program define coprbt_ll
1. local i=0
2. while "``i''"!="" {
3. local ++i
4. }
5. local --i /*i should
contain the number of arguments*/
6. local maxvalue=`i'-1 /*2 other arguments plus k
cutpoints is i, i-1=k+1=maxvalue*/
7. local k=`maxvalue'-1 /*k is the total number of cutpoints*/
8. forvalues i=1(1)`k' {
9. local cuts "`cuts' cut`i'"
10. }
11. args lnf theta `cuts'
12. tempname cutvector
13. matrix `cutvector' =J(1,`k',0)
14. forvalues i=1(1)`k' {
15. local cutvalue=`cut`i''[1]
16. /*WEAK. What if the first obs is not in the sample?*/
. matrix `cutvector'[1,`i']=`cutvalue'
17. }
18. local censored "$OGLFXH"
19. /*Any other way to pass this?*/
. di "$OGLFXH is in OGLFXH"
20. tempvar y1 ymax yother
21. qui gen `y1'=($ML_y1==1)
22. qui gen `ymax'=($ML_y1==`maxvalue')
23. qui gen `yother'=($ML_y1!=1)&($ML_y1!=`maxvalue')
24. qui replace `lnf'=ln(norm(`cutvector'[1,$ML_y1]-`theta'))
if `y1'==1&`censored'==0
25. qui replace
26. qui replace
`lnf'=ln(1-norm(`cutvector'[1,$ML_y1-1]-`theta')) if
27. qui replace `lnf'=ln(1) if `y1'==1&`censored'==1
28. qui replace
`lnf'=ln(1-norm(`cutvector'[1,$ML_y1-1]-`theta')) if
29. qui replace
`lnf'=ln(1-norm(`cutvector'[1,$ML_y1-1]-`theta')) if
30. qui replace `lnf'=ln(norm(`cutvector'[1,$ML_y1]-`theta'))
if `y1'==1&`censored'==-1
31. qui replace `lnf'=ln(norm(`cutvector'[1,$ML_y1]-`theta'))
if `yother'==1&`censored'==-1
32. qui replace `lnf'=ln(1) if `ymax'==1&`censored'==-1
33. end
. *END coprbt_ll.ado
. drawnorm x1 x2 x3 e,n(10000) clear
begin drawnorm ---
- local xeqversion : di "version " string(_caller()) ":"
- version 8.2
- local version _caller()
- gettoken first 0: 0, parse(",")
- syntax [, n(string) SEED(string) Double CORR(string) COV(string)
CStorage(string) Means(string) SDs(string) CLEAR FORCEPSD TOL(passt
> hru) ]
- quietly count
- local curn = r(N)
- if `"`n'"' != "" {
= if `"10000"' != "" {
- confirm integer n `n'
= confirm integer n 10000
- if `n' == `curn' {
= if 10000 == 0 {
local n
- }
- if `"`n'"' == "" {
= if `"10000"' == "" {
local nobs = r(N)
if `nobs' <= 0 {
error 2000
if "`clear'" != "" {
drop _all
qui set obs `nobs'
local n `nobs'
- else {
- if `n' <= 0 {
= if 10000 <= 0 {
error 2000
- qui count
- if `n' != r(N) {
= if 10000 != r(N) {
- qui des, short
- if r(changed) & ("`clear'" == "" ) {
= if r(changed) & ("clear" == "" ) {
error 4
- drop _all
- }
- local nobs = `n'
= local nobs = 10000
- qui set obs `nobs'
= qui set obs 10000
- }
- local 0 "`first'"
= local 0 "x1 x2 x3 e"
- syntax newvarlist
- local k : word count `varlist'
= local k : word count x1 x2 x3 e
- if "`seed'" != "" {
= if "" != "" {
`xeqversion' set seed `seed'
- tempname C D L M P S
- if "`cov'" != "" | "`corr'" != "" {
= if "" != "" | "" != "" {
if "`cov'" != "" & "`corr'" != "" {
dis as err "cov() and corr() " "may not be specified together"
exit 198
if `"`corr'"' != "" {
_m2matrix `C' corr `k' "`corr'" "`cstorage'"
local Cname `corr'
else {
_m2matrix `C' cov `k' "`cov'" "`cstorage'"
local Cname `cov'
_checkpd `C', matname(`Cname') check(psd) `forcepsd' `tol'
if r(npos)==`k' {
matrix `P' = cholesky(`C')
else {
matrix `L' = r(L)
matrix `D' = r(Ev)
forvalues i = 1/`k' {
matrix `D'[1,`i'] = sqrt(max(0,`D'[1,`i']))
matrix `P' = `L'*diag(`D')
- else {
- matrix `P' = I(`k')
= matrix __000004 = I(4)
- }
- if "`means'" != "" {
= if "" != "" {
_m2matrix `M' means `k' "`means'"
- else {
- matrix `M' = J(1,`k', 0)
= matrix __000003 = J(1,4, 0)
- }
- if `"`sds'"' != "" {
= if `""' != "" {
if `"`cov'"' != "" {
dis as err "cov() and sds() may not be specified together"
exit 198
_m2matrix `S' sds `k' "`sds'"
- else {
- matrix `S' = J(1,`k',1)
= matrix __000005 = J(1,4,1)
- }
- tokenize `varlist'
= tokenize x1 x2 x3 e
- local newlist `varlist'
= local newlist x1 x2 x3 e
- foreach var of local newlist {
- if `version' <= 10 {
= if _caller() <= 10 {
qui gen `double' `var' = invnormal(uniform())
- else {
- qui gen `double' `var' = rnormal()
= qui gen x1 = rnormal()
- }
- }
- if `version' <= 10 {
= if _caller() <= 10 {
qui gen `double' `var' = invnormal(uniform())
- else {
- qui gen `double' `var' = rnormal()
= qui gen x2 = rnormal()
- }
- }
- if `version' <= 10 {
= if _caller() <= 10 {
qui gen `double' `var' = invnormal(uniform())
- else {
- qui gen `double' `var' = rnormal()
= qui gen x3 = rnormal()
- }
- }
- if `version' <= 10 {
= if _caller() <= 10 {
qui gen `double' `var' = invnormal(uniform())
- else {
- qui gen `double' `var' = rnormal()
= qui gen e = rnormal()
- }
- }
- mat roweq `P' = " "
= mat roweq __000004 = " "
- mat coleq `P' = " "
= mat coleq __000004 = " "
- mat rownames `P' = `varlist'
= mat rownames __000004 = x1 x2 x3 e
- mat colnames `P' = `varlist'
= mat colnames __000004 = x1 x2 x3 e
- forvalues i = 1 / `k' {
= forvalues i = 1 / 4 {
- tempname new`i' row
= tempname new1 row
- mat `row' = `P'[`i', 1...]
= mat __000007 = __000004[1, 1...]
- mat score `new`i'' = `row'
= mat score __000006 = __000007
- }
- tempname new`i' row
= tempname new2 row
- mat `row' = `P'[`i', 1...]
= mat __000009 = __000004[2, 1...]
- mat score `new`i'' = `row'
= mat score __000008 = __000009
- }
- tempname new`i' row
= tempname new3 row
- mat `row' = `P'[`i', 1...]
= mat __00000B = __000004[3, 1...]
- mat score `new`i'' = `row'
= mat score __00000A = __00000B
- }
- tempname new`i' row
= tempname new4 row
- mat `row' = `P'[`i', 1...]
= mat __00000D = __000004[4, 1...]
- mat score `new`i'' = `row'
= mat score __00000C = __00000D
- }
- tokenize `varlist'
= tokenize x1 x2 x3 e
- forvalues i = 1 / `k' {
= forvalues i = 1 / 4 {
- qui replace ``i'' = `new`i'' * `S'[1,`i'] + `M'[1,`i']
= qui replace x1 = __000006 * __000005[1,1] + __000003[1,1]
- }
- qui replace ``i'' = `new`i'' * `S'[1,`i'] + `M'[1,`i']
= qui replace x2 = __000008 * __000005[1,2] + __000003[1,2]
- }
- qui replace ``i'' = `new`i'' * `S'[1,`i'] + `M'[1,`i']
= qui replace x3 = __00000A * __000005[1,3] + __000003[1,3]
- }
- qui replace ``i'' = `new`i'' * `S'[1,`i'] + `M'[1,`i']
= qui replace e = __00000C * __000005[1,4] + __000003[1,4]
- }
- if "`n'" != "" {
= if "10000" != "" {
- dis as txt "(obs `nobs')"
= dis as txt "(obs 10000)"
(obs 10000)
- }
end drawnorm ---
. g xb=(x1+x2+x3)/2
. g y=(xb+e<-2) +2*inrange(xb+e,-2,0)+3*(xb+e>0)
. tabulate y
y | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 674 6.74 6.74
2 | 4,380 43.80 50.54
3 | 4,946 49.46 100.00
Total | 10,000 100.00
. g c=uniform()>.9
. replace y=1 if c==1
(947 real changes made)
. coprbt y x1 x2 x3, censored(c)
begin coprbt ---
- version 11.0
- if replay() {
if "`e(cmd)'" != "coprbt" {
error 301
syntax [, level(passthru)]
- else {
- syntax varlist [if] [in] , censored(varname) [level(passthru) *]
- marksample touse
- preserve
- qui keep if `touse'
= qui keep if __000000
- gettoken depvar indepvars : varlist
- tempvar newdepvar
- egen `newdepvar'=group(`depvar')
= egen __000001=group(y)
- qui sum `newdepvar'
= qui sum __000001
- local maxvalue =r(max)
- forvalues i=1(1)`maxvalue' {
= forvalues i=1(1)3 {
- tempvar ucsample sumucs
- qui gen `ucsample'=0
= qui gen __000002=0
- qui replace `ucsample'=(`censored'!=1) if (`newdepvar'==`i')
= qui replace __000002=(c!=1) if (__000001==1)
- qui gen `sumucs'=sum(`ucsample')
= qui gen __000003=sum(__000002)
- local errorcount =0
- capture assert `sumucs'[_N]>0&`sumucs'[_N]<.
= capture assert __000003[_N]>0&__000003[_N]<.
- if _rc==9 {
di as error "WARNING: value number `i' has no uncensored obs"
- drop `sumucs'
= drop __000003
- drop `ucsample'
= drop __000002
- }
- tempvar ucsample sumucs
- qui gen `ucsample'=0
= qui gen __000004=0
- qui replace `ucsample'=(`censored'!=1) if (`newdepvar'==`i')
= qui replace __000004=(c!=1) if (__000001==2)
- qui gen `sumucs'=sum(`ucsample')
= qui gen __000005=sum(__000004)
- local errorcount =0
- capture assert `sumucs'[_N]>0&`sumucs'[_N]<.
= capture assert __000005[_N]>0&__000005[_N]<.
- if _rc==9 {
di as error "WARNING: value number `i' has no uncensored obs"
- drop `sumucs'
= drop __000005
- drop `ucsample'
= drop __000004
- }
- tempvar ucsample sumucs
- qui gen `ucsample'=0
= qui gen __000006=0
- qui replace `ucsample'=(`censored'!=1) if (`newdepvar'==`i')
= qui replace __000006=(c!=1) if (__000001==3)
- qui gen `sumucs'=sum(`ucsample')
= qui gen __000007=sum(__000006)
- local errorcount =0
- capture assert `sumucs'[_N]>0&`sumucs'[_N]<.
= capture assert __000007[_N]>0&__000007[_N]<.
- if _rc==9 {
di as error "WARNING: value number `i' has no uncensored obs"
- drop `sumucs'
= drop __000007
- drop `ucsample'
= drop __000006
- }
- local k =`maxvalue'-1
= local k =3-1
- global OGLFXH "`censored'"
= global OGLFXH "c"
- qui oprobit `newdepvar' `indepvars'
= qui oprobit __000001 x1 x2 x3
- tempname starting
- matrix `starting'=e(b)
= matrix __000008=e(b)
- matrix list `starting'
= matrix list __000008
__000001: __000001: __000001: cut1: cut2:
x1 x2 x3 _cons _cons
y1 .33256642 .33002666 .31409146 -1.1333436 .14156848
- tempname cutvector
- matrix `cutvector'=`starting'[1,"_cut1".."_cut`k'"]
= matrix __000009=__000008[1,"_cut1".."_cut2"]
_cut2 not found
forvalues i=1(1)`k' {
local cut`i'=`cutvector'[1,`i']
local initlist "`initlist' /_cut`i'=`cut`i''"
local cutlist "`cutlist' /_cut`i'"
foreach var of local indepvars {
local `var'_b =`starting'[1,colnumb(`starting',"`var'")]
foreach var of local indepvars {
local initlist "`initlist' `var'=``var'_b'"
ml model lf coprbt_ll (`newdepvar'=`indepvars' , nocons )
`cutlist' if `touse' , maximize title("Homemade Censored Ordered
> init(`initlist') `options'
ereturn local cmd "coprbt"
end coprbt ---
end of do-file
I hope now I am able to convey a better picture of what I am doing.
Any help with what is generating the error would be helpful.
Austin told me that for uncensored observations the ordered probit
outperforms the censored ordered probit results. I would still need to
estimate the censored ordered probit results for my data and compare
with what Austin suggested.
Thanks so much.
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Urmi Bhattacharya <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks. I did not put the input code up because it was taking up too
> much space. I used a simulated data set. I am currently away frrom
> Stata, but I'll put the input code and the simulated data in case that
> helps.
> Thank you so much.
> Urmi
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> No. The rest of what he said.
>> But even apart from that, we can't see your input code and dataset.
>> Remote debugging is going to be very very difficult if you don't work
>> with code and data (e.g. simulated data, some set you can -webuse- or
>> -sysuse-) that we can see, not that it will be easy otherwise.
>> Nick
>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:25 AM, Urmi Bhattacharya <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hi Nick,
>>> Did you mean the one about lines not being properly structured?
>>> Thanks
>>> Urmi
>>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> As far as I can tell you are ignoring Austin's advice in his last email.
>>>> I can't illuminate what is happening with your code and data.
>>>> Nick
>>>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Urmi Bhattacharya <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Nick and Austin,
>>>>> Thank you so much for your suggestions. I put the
>>>>> set trace on
>>>>> set traced 1
>>>>> followed by Owen's code and the simulation. It identified some errors
>>>>> I could correct by áwrapping up the unwrapped lines . But I am getting
>>>>> an error now and I can't understand what is causing it. I am providing
>>>>> the result that I am getting
>>>>> - version 11.0
>>>>> á- if replay() {
>>>>> á áif "`e(cmd)'" != "coprbt" {
>>>>> á áerror 301
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á ásyntax [, level(passthru)]
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á- else {
>>>>> á- syntax varlist [if] [in] , censored(varname) [level(passthru) *]
>>>>> á- marksample touse
>>>>> á- preserve
>>>>> á- qui keep if `touse'
>>>>> á= qui keep if __000000
>>>>> á- gettoken depvar indepvars : varlist
>>>>> á- tempvar newdepvar
>>>>> á- egen `newdepvar'=group(`depvar')
>>>>> á= egen __000001=group(y)
>>>>> á- qui sum `newdepvar'
>>>>> á= qui sum __000001
>>>>> á- local maxvalue =r(max)
>>>>> á- forvalues i=1(1)`maxvalue' {
>>>>> á= forvalues i=1(1)3 {
>>>>> á- tempvar ucsample sumucs
>>>>> á- qui gen `ucsample'=0
>>>>> á= qui gen __000002=0
>>>>> á- qui replace `ucsample'=(`censored'!=1) if (`newdepvar'==`i')
>>>>> á= qui replace __000002=(c!=1) if (__000001==1)
>>>>> á- qui gen `sumucs'=sum(`ucsample')
>>>>> á= qui gen __000003=sum(__000002)
>>>>> á- local errorcount =0
>>>>> á- capture assert `sumucs'[_N]>0&`sumucs'[_N]<.
>>>>> á= capture assert __000003[_N]>0&__000003[_N]<.
>>>>> á- if _rc==9 {
>>>>> á ádi as error "WARNING: value number `i' has no uncensored obs"
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á- drop `sumucs'
>>>>> á= drop __000003
>>>>> á- drop `ucsample'
>>>>> á= drop __000002
>>>>> á- }
>>>>> á- tempvar ucsample sumucs
>>>>> á- qui gen `ucsample'=0
>>>>> á= qui gen __000004=0
>>>>> á- qui replace `ucsample'=(`censored'!=1) if (`newdepvar'==`i')
>>>>> á= qui replace __000004=(c!=1) if (__000001==2)
>>>>> á- qui gen `sumucs'=sum(`ucsample')
>>>>> á= qui gen __000005=sum(__000004)
>>>>> á- local errorcount =0
>>>>> á- capture assert `sumucs'[_N]>0&`sumucs'[_N]<.
>>>>> á= capture assert __000005[_N]>0&__000005[_N]<.
>>>>> á- if _rc==9 {
>>>>> á ádi as error "WARNING: value number `i' has no uncensored obs"
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á- drop `sumucs'
>>>>> á= drop __000005
>>>>> á- drop `ucsample'
>>>>> á= drop __000004
>>>>> á- }
>>>>> á- tempvar ucsample sumucs
>>>>> á- qui gen `ucsample'=0
>>>>> á= qui gen __000006=0
>>>>> á- qui replace `ucsample'=(`censored'!=1) if (`newdepvar'==`i')
>>>>> á= qui replace __000006=(c!=1) if (__000001==3)
>>>>> á- qui gen `sumucs'=sum(`ucsample')
>>>>> á= qui gen __000007=sum(__000006)
>>>>> á- local errorcount =0
>>>>> á- capture assert `sumucs'[_N]>0&`sumucs'[_N]<.
>>>>> á= capture assert __000007[_N]>0&__000007[_N]<.
>>>>> á- if _rc==9 {
>>>>> á ádi as error "WARNING: value number `i' has no uncensored obs"
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á- drop `sumucs'
>>>>> á= drop __000007
>>>>> á- drop `ucsample'
>>>>> á= drop __000006
>>>>> á- }
>>>>> á- local k =`maxvalue'-1
>>>>> á= local k =3-1
>>>>> á- global OGLFXH "`censored'"
>>>>> á= global OGLFXH "c"
>>>>> á- qui oprobit `newdepvar' `indepvars'
>>>>> á= qui oprobit __000001 áx1 x2 x3
>>>>> á- tempname starting
>>>>> á- matrix `starting'=e(b)
>>>>> á= matrix __000008=e(b)
>>>>> á- tempname cutvector
>>>>> á- matrix `cutvector'=`starting'[1,"_cut1".."_cut`k'"]
>>>>> á= matrix __000009=__000008[1,"_cut1".."_cut2"]
>>>>> _cut2 not found
>>>>> á áforvalues i=1(1)`k' {
>>>>> á álocal cut`i'=`cutvector'[1,`i']
>>>>> á álocal initlist "`initlist' /_cut`i'=`cut`i''"
>>>>> á álocal cutlist "`cutlist' /_cut`i'"
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á áforeach var of local indepvars {
>>>>> á álocal `var'_b =`starting'[1,colnumb(`starting',"`var'")]
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á áforeach var of local indepvars {
>>>>> á álocal initlist "`initlist' `var'=``var'_b'"
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> á áml model lf coprbt_ll (`newdepvar'=`indepvars' , nocons ) `cutlist'
>>>>> á áif `touse' , maximize title("Homemade Censored Ordered Probit")
>>>>> init(`initlist') `options'
>>>>> á áereturn local cmd "coprbt"
>>>>> á á}
>>>>> r(111);
>>>>> end of do-file
>>>>> r(111);
>>>>> The "_cut2 not found" is in red suggesting that is where the problem
>>>>> is, but I cannot figure out what is causing it.
>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>> Thanks a lot.
>>>>> Urmi
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Austin Nichols <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>> Urmi Bhattacharya <[email protected]>:
>>>>>> I also guess that you have not got the line structure right in your
>>>>>> files, but I will also note that a quick simulation I ran indicated
>>>>>> that -oprobit- run only on uncensored obs outperforms unrestricted
>>>>>> -oprobit- and -coprbit-. áSo start with
>>>>>> . áoprobit y x1 x2 x3 if censored==0
>>>>>> I am also guessing that other models would outperform all 3 options
>>>>>> mentioned here, but that will have to wait for another day.
>> *
>> * For searches and help try:
>> *
>> *
>> *
* For searches and help try: