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st: use of local in variable name
Eric Sommer <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: use of local in variable name
Mon, 19 Sep 2011 12:57:01 +0200
Dear Stata-Users,
I want to program a job market simulation that matches employers and
job-searchers according to their match. Employers receive up to ten job
offers. If they have less than 10, I would like to save the firm's
number in the respective variable offer_`x' (x from 1 to 10).
the code looks as follows:
forvalues s=1/$numberofjobs {
if free[`s'] == 1{ // is the job free
// scalar c contains the index of the employer that matches best
if (offers[c] < 10) {
replace offers = offers + 1 if (_n == c)
local x offers[c]
replace offer_`x' = `s' if (_n == c) // Applicant c gets job
offer number x from firm s
However, offer_`x' is not assigned correctly. I get the following error
variable offers_offers not found
But if I inspect the content of x with "di`x'", I get 1 as return (if
ang[c] is 1)
On the contrary, if I type this, the variable is replaced correctly.
local x 1
replace offer_`x' = `s' if (_n == c)
Apparently, Stata interprets `x' differently when using "display" or
"replace". What am I doing wrong?
Or is there another way to replace offer_1 to offer_10 without this
detour using locals?
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