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Re: st: syntax command

From   Christophe Kolodziejczyk <>
Subject   Re: st: syntax command
Date   Thu, 15 Sep 2011 08:50:01 +0200

I can't see the mistake, but you should try to set trace on  (see the
manual for details) . One other suggestion if you haven't tried:
unless you want to program options, use args instead of syntax

args beta new rsq obs  cov sddep


2011/9/15 Richard Palmer-Jones <>:
> Dear Readers
> I am new to using the syntax command and am not having much success.So
> help appreciated.
> I have a data file with variables: beta rsq obs cov sddep, and want to
> compute a new variable from them
> program define myprogname
> syntax varname, new(varname) rsq(varname) obs(varname)  cov(varname)
> sddep(varname)
> * it just so happens the macro names in the syntax command are the
> same as in the data file
> ....
> end
> I call the program with
> myprogname beta, new(smd) rsq(rsquare) nobs(nobs) ncov(ncov) sddep(sddepvar)
> and get the error:
>  - syntax varname, new(varname) rsq(varname) obs(varname)
> cov(varname) sddep(varname)
> factor variables and time-series operators not allowed
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> end myprogname ---
> r(101);
> I have tried quite a number of variants, following examples at
> ""; and in t Chris
> Baum's "introduction to Stata Programming" chapter 12, but with no
> succes with either this form or an egen form of program.
> Thanks in advance for help, and appologies for being unable to solve
> this myself.
> Richard
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