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Re: st: What to Tell others to learn Stata in a short time period

From   Teresio Poggio <>
Subject   Re: st: What to Tell others to learn Stata in a short time period
Date   Sat, 10 Sep 2011 09:09:19 +0200

Hi Anees,

Stata help files and Statalist are crucial resources and two of the
main reasons to use Stata in my point of view. But their use often
involves that you already know what are you looking for. This is not
always the case for beginners.

There are several good books from StataPress targeted to Stata's beginners.

When first approaching Stata, as an autodidact, I've found really
useful the tutorials available on-line. Now they are even more than in
the past:

I'm particularly in debt with colleagues at UCLA:

Hope this helps.


On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Muhammad Anees <> wrote:
> Hi
> This problem is not related to using Stata for Statistics or
> Econometrics. It is about telling others how to learn Stata in short
> time and more efficiently. What should I let, my colleagues and
> students, know to use to learn Stata more quickly and in short time,
> so they do not rely on others for basic use of Stata.
> What I suggest to them is to Use the Stata help files and the Stata List
> --
> Regards
> Anees
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