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Re: Re: st: Polynomial Fitting and RD Design

From   "Patrick Button" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Re: st: Polynomial Fitting and RD Design
Date   Mon, 5 Sep 2011 12:40:50 -0700

Thank you for the feedback everyone. It has been extremely useful and now
I am not freaking out as much.

First, i've changed x to x - 0.5 as per Austin Nichols' suggestion. This
makes interpretation easier. I should have done this earlier.

I was thinking that my replication was going to involve critique Nick Cox,
and I agree with you and others that the 4th order polynomials are
somewhat fishy.

The weird thing about the paper is that the authors say that they are
using 4th degree polynomials on either side of the discontinuity, but
their graphs and/or code indicate that they are just using one polynomial
to fit the entire thing. Not sure why that is... So in trying to do the
4th degree polynomial for each side on my own, i?ve run into this issue of
results being weird. Now that I understand why it makes perfect sense.

As for if the 4th degree polynomial is ideal, I would agree with all of
you that it probably is not. If one is going to go with polynomials, the
ideal degree depends on the bandwidth you use. Ariel Linden described this
really well earlier.

Larger bandwidths mean more precision, but more bias. Smaller bandwidths
(say only using data within +/- 2 percentage points of 50%) lead to the
opposite. Lee and Lemieux (2010)
( discuss that the
optimal polynomial degree is a function of the bandwidth.

The ideal degree is determined by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
I'm going to stick with the 4th degree polynomial (and the entire
dataset), then i'll try other polynomials and bandwidths, and then kernel
after that. I need to do the replication first, THEN I will critique that
by going with something more realistic. The -rd- package should be really
useful for that. Thanks so much for all the discussion about a more
realistic model. The key thing is that results should be robust to several
different types of fitting and bandwidths, so long as they are realistic
in the first place.

As for using orthog/orthpoly to generate orthogonal polynomials, I gave
that a shot. Thank you very much for the suggestion Martin Buis.

I've done the orthogonalization two different ways. Both give different
results, neither of which mirror the results where I create the
polynomials in the regular fashion. I'm not sure which method is
"correct". I'm also unsure why the results are significantly different.
Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Orthpoly # 1 uses orthpoly separately on each side of the discontinuity. #
2 does it for all the data.

The code and output are below:


drop if demvoteshare==.
keep if realincome~=.
drop demvs2 demvs3 demvs4

gen double x = demvoteshare - 0.5

gen D = 1 if x >= 0
replace D = 0 if x < 0

*Orthpoly #1

*Creating orthogonal polynomials separately for each side.

orthpoly x if x < 0, deg(4) generate(demvsa demvs2a demvs3a demvs4a)
orthpoly x if x >= 0, deg(4) generate(demvsb demvs2b demvs3b demvs4b)
replace demvsa = 0 if demvsa==.
replace demvsb = 0 if demvsb==.
replace demvs2a = 0 if demvs2a==.
replace demvs2b = 0 if demvs2b==.
replace demvs3a = 0 if demvs3a==.
replace demvs3b = 0 if demvs3b==.
replace demvs4a = 0 if demvs4a==.
replace demvs4b = 0 if demvs4b==.

replace demvsa = (1-D)*demvsa
replace demvs2a = (1-D)*demvs2a
replace demvs3a = (1-D)*demvs3a
replace demvs4a = (1-D)*demvs4a

replace demvsb = D*demvsb
replace demvs2b = D*demvs2b
replace demvs3b = D*demvs3b
replace demvs4b = D*demvs4b

regress realincome D demvsa demvs2a demvs3a demvs4a demvsb demvs2b demvs3b

*Orthpoly #2

orthpoly x, deg(4) generate (demvs demvs2 demvs3 demvs4)

replace demvsa = (1-D)*demvs
replace demvs2a = (1-D)*demvs2
replace demvs3a = (1-D)*demvs3
replace demvs4a = (1-D)*demvs4

replace demvsb = D*demvs
replace demvs2b = D*demvs2
replace demvs3b = D*demvs3
replace demvs4b = D*demvs4

regress realincome D demvsa demvs2a demvs3a demvs4a demvsb demvs2b demvs3b


And the results are:

Orthpoly # 1

  realincome |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
           D |  -2597.064   140.5829   -18.47   0.000    -2872.626  
      demvsa |  -853.4396   109.0927    -7.82   0.000    -1067.277  
     demvs2a |  -941.1276   109.0927    -8.63   0.000    -1154.965  
     demvs3a |   593.9881   109.0927     5.44   0.000      380.151   
     demvs4a |   121.7433   109.0927     1.12   0.264    -92.09384   
      demvsb |  -2006.552   88.66978   -22.63   0.000    -2180.357  
     demvs2b |  -620.1632   88.66978    -6.99   0.000    -793.9685  
     demvs3b |  -134.2237   88.66978    -1.51   0.130     -308.029   
     demvs4b |   457.7355   88.66978     5.16   0.000     283.9302   
       _cons |    32210.1   109.0927   295.25   0.000     31996.26   

Orthpoly # 2

  realincome |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
           D |  -15904.18   22026.78    -0.72   0.470    -59079.79   
      demvsa |   56141.35   33816.59     1.66   0.097    -10143.95   
     demvs2a |   42328.68   25413.63     1.67   0.096    -7485.616   
     demvs3a |   19367.81   11950.96     1.62   0.105    -4057.754   
     demvs4a |   3038.492   2722.757     1.12   0.264    -2298.496   
      demvsb |  -40636.36   7469.378    -5.44   0.000     -55277.4  
     demvs2b |   47190.86   9181.907     5.14   0.000     29193.03    
     demvs3b |  -33596.74   6331.021    -5.31   0.000    -46006.43  
     demvs4b |   7983.823   1546.578     5.16   0.000      4952.31   
       _cons |   68128.44   21623.63     3.15   0.002     25743.08   

The results using the earlier method (generating polynomials normally)
gives the following after I change x to x - 0.5:

  realincome |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
           D |   1616.347   605.9781     2.67   0.008     428.5441   
          xa |   23487.01   15519.78     1.51   0.130    -6933.964   
         x2a |   334659.2   153845.2     2.18   0.030     33100.93   
         x3a |   905964.7     546408     1.66   0.097    -165072.1    
         x4a |   667809.6   598416.3     1.12   0.264    -505170.9    
          xb |  -60833.88   12050.57    -5.05   0.000    -84454.71  
         x2b |   538597.3   105340.2     5.11   0.000     332115.5     
         x3b |   -1771874   334373.4    -5.30   0.000     -2427293   
         x4b |    1754710     339912     5.16   0.000      1088435    
       _cons |   31122.81   454.4263    68.49   0.000     30232.07   

Any ideas would be great and I greatly appreciate everyone's assistance.

Patrick Button
Ph.D. Student
Department of Economics
University of California, Irvine

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