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st: Marginal effect at each category of dependent variable after ologit using margins command
Urmi Bhattacharya <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Marginal effect at each category of dependent variable after ologit using margins command
Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:00:46 +0530
Dear Statalisters,
I am using Stata, version 11.2 on Mac. I am estimating the following
ordered logit
ologit test_math_score child_female age icompl_grade logmpc urban
father_edu mother_edu scstobs other_caste muslim num_mixedgrade_s
After that, I am interested in the marginal effect of the explanatory
variables on the probability of each category of the dependent
variable test_math_score ( It has 4 categories).
As instructed in Cameron and Trivedi ( Microeconometrics using Stata),
I do the following:
mfx, predict (outcome(1))
This gives me the marginal effect of the explanatory variables on the
probability of test_math_score =1
But how do I do the same thing using the margins command?
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Urmi Bhattacharya
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