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st: RE: Hosmer Lemeshow table incorrectly reported probabilities?

From   "Visintainer, Paul" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Hosmer Lemeshow table incorrectly reported probabilities?
Date   Fri, 26 Aug 2011 10:21:22 -0400


Matthew, you can replicate the H-L cutpoints to see how it's generating the categories and the expected values:

   .sysuse auto

Run a logistic and generate the predicted probabilities:

   .qui logistic foreign price trunk mpg
   .predict phat

Create 5 groups (or 10 for the H-L test) of approximately equal size:

   .xtile group=phat, nq(5)
Find the maximum predicted probability for each group (the cutpoint for each group) (I rounded this to match the H-L table output):

   .egen cutpoint=max(round(phat,.0001)), by(group)

Generate the expected counts within groups (I rounded this to match the H-L table):

   .egen x=total(phat), by(group)
   .gen Exp_1=round(x,.1)

Then, just tabulate your output and compare it to the H-L table:

   .estat gof, group(5) table
   .tab cutpoint    // <-- "cutpoint" is given as "Prob" in the H-L table
   .tab Exp_1

Exp_0 is the difference between the group total and Exp_1.

The whole thing looks like this:

   .sort phat
   .bys group: list phat foreign

The H-L test is simply creating approximately equal groups of size n, then summing the predicted probabilities within each group to find the expected probability.   The observed counts are compared to the expected counts.


Paul F. Visintainer, PhD
Baystate Medical Center
Springfield, MA 01199

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Matthew Baldwin, MD
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 5:41 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Hosmer Lemeshow table incorrectly reported probabilities?

Dear Statlisters,

I created a logistic regression model that predicts mortality.  I am  
examining the model's calibration, and the predicted probabilities for  
quintiles of risk seem to be incorrectly calculated using STATA.

Using the code "gof, group(5), table" gives me the 5 groups used for  
the Hosmer-Lemeshow Chi squared test used to test model calibration  
and gives predicted probabilities (in this case, probability of  
death), observed and expected counts for both outcomes (deaths in this  
case), and totals for each group.

However, the expected probabilities that the "estat gof, group(5)  
table" code in STATA gives are different from the expected  
probabilities I calculate from the expected counts in the table  
itself. I am confused about this:

  Logistic model for death2, goodness-of-fit test

   (Table collapsed on quantiles of estimated probabilities)
   | Group |   Prob | Obs_1 | Exp_1 | Obs_0 | Exp_0 | Total |
   |     1 | 0.0958 |    15 |  20.1 |   296 | 290.9 |   311 |
   |     2 | 0.1757 |    47 |  41.7 |   264 | 269.3 |   311 |
   |     3 | 0.3006 |    66 |  73.3 |   245 | 237.7 |   311 |
   |     4 | 0.4494 |   119 | 114.8 |   192 | 196.2 |   311 |
   |     5 | 0.9328 |   183 | 180.2 |   127 | 129.8 |   310 |

        number of observations =      1554
              number of groups =         5
       Hosmer-Lemeshow chi2(3) =         3.46
                   Prob > chi2 =         0.3265

Here are my calculations for expected probabilities based on the table:

x (expected mortality)     y (observed mortality)
20.1/311 = 0.065           15/311 = 0.048
41.7/311 = 0.13            47/311 = 0.15
73.3/311 = 0.24            66/311 = 0.21
114.8/311 = 0.37           119/311 = 0.38
180.2/310 = 0.58           183/310 = 0.58

Can anyone explain how the expected probabilities in the table were derived?

Is the "gof, group(x) table" function in STATA reporting incorrect  
expected probabilities?


Matthew Baldwin, MD
Department of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine
New York Presbyterian Hospital
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

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