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Re: st: One-way table and multiple variables

From   Nick Cox <>
Subject   Re: st: One-way table and multiple variables
Date   Thu, 25 Aug 2011 07:40:16 +0100

You can do this directly with -tabm- from -tab_chi- (SSC).

. set obs 1000
obs was 0, now 1000

. forval j = 1/5 {
  2. gen y`j' = ceil(`j' * runiform())
  3. }

. tabm y*

           |                         values
  variable |         1          2          3          4          5 |     Total
        y1 |     1,000          0          0          0          0 |     1,000
        y2 |       491        509          0          0          0 |     1,000
        y3 |       326        334        340          0          0 |     1,000
        y4 |       254        248        249        249          0 |     1,000
        y5 |       199        203        210        194        194 |     1,000
     Total |     2,270      1,294        799        443        194 |     5,000

. tabm y*, transpose

           |                        variable
    values |        y1         y2         y3         y4         y5 |     Total
         1 |     1,000        491        326        254        199 |     2,270
         2 |         0        509        334        248        203 |     1,294
         3 |         0          0        340        249        210 |       799
         4 |         0          0          0        249        194 |       443
         5 |         0          0          0          0        194 |       194
     Total |     1,000      1,000      1,000      1,000      1,000 |     5,000

Also, -search multiple responses- in Stata.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 4:35 AM, Eric Booth <> wrote:

> I'd start with -table- , or use a combination of -collapse- and some command to export your table (e.g., -outsheet- or Stata 12's - export excel-)  For example:
> *******
> sysuse auto, clear
> **table**
> table rep78, center c(n price n mpg n headr)
> table rep78, center c(n price n mpg n headr) by(for)
> **collapse & export**
>  preserve
> collapse (count) price mpg headr, by(rep78)
> lab var price "Freq Price"
> lab var mpg "Freq MPG"
> lab var headroom "Freq Headr"
> *export*
> outsheet using "test", replace
> **or**
> if "`c(version)'" == "12" export excel using "test2.xlsx",  ///
> replace sheet("My Tables") firstrow(varl)
>  restore
> ********
> Also,  you can take advantage of the formatting and exporting features of some user-written table commands like -tabout- or -outreg2-  from SSC.  -findit table- shows many possibilities.

On Aug 24, 2011, at 10:13 PM, Kingsley Wong wrote:

>> I am trying to create a table that shows the variables, variable values and frequencies in the following format:
>>          var1 var2 var3
>> value1 freq freq freq
>> value2 freq freq freq
>> ...
>> All variables have the same set of values.
>> I have tried -tab1- but it only creates one-way frequency table for each variable. Also, I have searched SSC but couldn't find a solution that suits my need.

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