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Re: st: One-sided test on difference between correlation coefficients
Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: One-sided test on difference between correlation coefficients
Sat, 30 Jul 2011 11:26:10 -0400
Michael Boehm <[email protected]>:
Note that GDP, not the unemployment rate, is the usual definition of
"cyclical" (the unemployment rate might peak a year or more after a
trough in GDP), not that I advocate using GDP. But why not use
regression instead of correlation?
ren acadnewjobs_res a
ren nonacadnewjobs_res n
glm a unem, link(log)
est sto r1
glm n unem, link(log)
est sto r2
suest r1 r2
test [r1_a]unem==[r2_n]unem
Now you can also put other predictors on the right hand side. You
might also use state-specific unemployment rates and job offer counts,
and cluster by state to allow for serial correlation.
On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Michael Boehm
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> My coauthor and I are looking at the correlation between the
> unemployment rate and the number of academic and non-academic job
> offers in the American Economic Association's "Job Offers for
> Economists" publication. We are computing correlations of the kind:
> pwcorr acadnewjobs_res nonacadnewjobs_res unem, sig obs
> | acadn~es nonaca.. unem
> -------------+---------------------------
> acadnewjo~es | 1.0000
> |
> | 274
> |
> nonacadne~es | 0.4460 1.0000
> | 0.0000
> | 273 273
> |
> unem | -0.1222 -0.2580 1.0000
> | 0.0432 0.0000
> | 274 273 409
> Where unem is the unemployment rate and acadnewjobs_res and
> nonacadnewjobs_res the seasonally adjusted number of academic and
> non-academic new jobs, respectively, in a given month. We would like
> to test whether the former are less cyclical than the latter, i.e.
> whether the pwcorr(acadnewjobs_res,unem) <
> pwcorr(nonacadnewjobs_res,unem). Does any of you have an idea how to
> nicely do this in Stata?
> Thanks,
> Michael
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