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Re: st: saving the confidence interval as a scalar
Steven Samuels <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: saving the confidence interval as a scalar
Thu, 28 Jul 2011 17:56:02 -0400
Michael, try the following:
sysuse auto, clear
svyset rep78 [pw = turn]
svy, subpop(if foreign==0): total trunk
matrix b = e(b)
scalar tot = b[1,1]
matrix v=e(V)
scalar v =v[1,1]
scalar bound = ///
scalar ll = tot-bound
scalar ul = tot + bound
di c(level) "% Confidence Interval" _newline ///
"Estimate: " %8.0fc tot ///
" ["%7.0fc ll "," %8.0fc ul "]"
On Jul 28, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Monuteaux, Michael wrote:
Hello everyone,
I am estimating various parameters using a survey dataset. I am running the following command:
svy: total myvar, subpop(adults)
I am able to save the point estimate as a scalar using the saved matrix, e(b). But, I would like to also save the upper and lower confidence interval bounds as scalars, as well. Is it possible to access these values as scalars or a matrix?
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