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Re: st: Stacked histogram - empty bins
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Stacked histogram - empty bins
Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:20:48 +0100
Evidently your example is Australian, with VIC = Victoria, WA =
Western Australia, ACT = Australian Capital Territory. At a guess,
small numbers with ACT bite hardest here.
But those details don't matter. Whenever small frequencies are being
shown, there is often an advantage in using -dotplot- or -stripplot-
(SSC). (Although not originally intended as such, -stripplot- is now
in broad terms a superset of -dotplot-.)
Alternatively, lay down first a histogram of everything, then a
histogram of WA + VIC, then a histogram of VIC.
But I'd still try -stripplot- first.
This is one command:
twoway histogram admissiondate if inlist(state, "VIC", "WA", "ACT"),
start (`startdate') width(7) freq
histogram admissiondate if inlist(state, "VIC", "WA"),
start (`startdate') width(7) freq
histogram admissiondate if inlist(state, "VIC"),
start (`startdate') width(7) freq
You will want to fiddle with legend, colours, bar widths, etc. See also
N. J. Cox. 2009.
Stata tip 78: Going gray gracefully: Highlighting subsets and
downplaying substrates
Stata Journal 9(3): 499--503.
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Allen Cheng <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am trying to make a stacked histogram to show an epidemic in different
> states by epidemiological week. I found Nick Cox's helpful instructions in 2006
> using the undocumented command twoway__histogram_gen
> The problem is that some weeks, some states do not have any cases, and this
> makes a mess of trying to line up where rbar starts and ends. Is there any
> way to "force" zeros into the weeks with no cases?
> The commands I have tried are
> twoway__histogram_gen admissiondate if state=="VIC", gen(freq_vic x_vic)
> start (`startdate') width(7) freq
> twoway__histogram_gen admissiondate if state=="ACT", gen(freq_act x_act)
> start (`startdate') width(7) freq
> twoway__histogram_gen admissiondate if state=="WA", gen(freq_wa x_wa) start
> (`startdate') width(7) freq
> gen freq1=freq_vic+freq_act
> gen freq2=freq_vic+freq_act+freq_wa
> tw (bar freq_vic x_vic if freq1<., ylab(r(0 .))) (rbar freq_vic freq1
> x_act if freq1<.)
> (rbar freq1 freq2 x_wa if freq2<.), xtitle(date) ytitle(number of cases)
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