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st: RE: replacing values in panel data
Mauro Mastrogiacomo <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: RE: replacing values in panel data
Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:17:30 +0200
If I understand you correctly you want the first u of i=1 to be also the first u of all other i's.
If this is correct then type
bys i: gen position = _n
egen uu=max(u), by(position)
drop u position
rename uu u
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of billy mairs
Sent: woensdag 27 juli 2011 14:53
To: statalist
Subject: st: replacing values in panel data
Dear reader,
I have a panel data set and wish to replace multiple values over the different cross sections.
Say the panel data is N=20 and T=5. I have 5 values for a standard normal error term 'u' (for every t) for my first panel, say i = 1. I want to copy these 5 values into the other cross section units, so that u is the same in the other 19 panels as it is in my first panel. Here is what I have come up with so far
clear all
set obs 20
gen i = _n
expand 5
sort i
by i: gen t=_n
tsset i t
gen x = rnormal()
gen u = rnormal() in 1/5
How would I then copy the values for u into the missing values so that at each t, u is the same across the panels?
I hope to then use the command
replace u = (0.5)*u + ((1-0.25)^0.5)*rnormal() if i>1
in order to create dependence in error terms across the panels. Thanks for your time
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