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st: spmap: Color missing-data areas with values interpolated across surrounding areas?
Jen Zhen <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: spmap: Color missing-data areas with values interpolated across surrounding areas?
Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:57:44 +0200
Dear list members,
I am using Maurizio Pisati's -spmap- to draw maps of different
municipalities and color the area of each municipality according to
the value of some continuous variable. Unfortunately there are some
areas for which I have the polygon data, but for which I do not have
data on the continuous variable. Therefore I would like to color the
no-data areas with the color corresponding to a value interpolated
across the respective municipality's surrounding areas. Is there any
option for this, which I have overlooked?
Otherwise, I think I first need to find, ideally automatically, for
each municipality all surrounding municipalities. Can anyone recommend
a way to do so?
Thanks very much!
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