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st: Obtaining random intercept for each group from xtlogit or xtmelogit
Orian Brook <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
st: Obtaining random intercept for each group from xtlogit or xtmelogit
Wed, 20 Jul 2011 14:10:03 +0100
Dear all
I'm have data on a binary outcome which is organised as respondents within
countries. What I really want to know is the random intercept for each
country, but I can't see how to get it - could anyone point me? (I was
previously not using a multilevel approach and had a dummy variable for each
country, to get the country effect - but I realised I really should try a
multilevel approach).
The syntax I'm using is
xi:xtmelogit QA4_PERF VD8 i.D10 VD11 i.C14 i.QB3 i.D25 || COUNTRY:
xi:xtlogit QA4_PERF VD8 i.D10 VD11 i.C14 i.QB3 i.D25, i(COUNTRY)
They get the same log-likelihood results, though naturally xtmelogit takes
longer to run, I realise it has other options available.
Thanks for any advice.
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