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Re: st: Identifying complicated varlist for foreach loop

From   Nick Cox <>
To   "" <>
Subject   Re: st: Identifying complicated varlist for foreach loop
Date   Fri, 15 Jul 2011 04:05:07 +0100

unab vvars: v*
foreach v of local vvars {
            local stub = substr("'v",2,.)
            local stubs 'stubs' 'stub'

is one way to do it, it being understood that ' ' should really be left single quote and right single quote.

On 15 Jul 2011, at 02:45, Kyle Peyton <> wrote:
Hi all,

I have a very large dataset with some variables that I suspect have matching observations. I want to test this expectation and eliminate superfluous variables.
Essentially, I have two groups. In group 1, all variables have a  
prefix of "v". So we might have Vpen, Vshirt, Vfrog, etc. Let's  
assume I have 100 variables in group 1, all of them having this  
prefix "v"
In group 2,  I have approximately 250 variables. Of those 250  
variables, 100 variables are the same as those in group 1, minus the  
prefix. The other 150 I am certain are different. So we would have  
pen, shirt and frog, etc. My expectation (hope) is that this is the  
case and then I will be able to simply drop the variables with the  
"v" prefix from my dataset.
Is there a way to identify the SUFFIX of everything with a v PREFIX  
and then define that as a list? Then I'm thinking I can create a  
loop along these lines:
Foreach x in varlist (this is the varlist of my 100 important  
variables, my non-prefixed pens and frogs, etc.)
Assert `x' = v`x' (assuming this  RHS works !)

This could be the completely wrong logic, however.
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