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Re: Re: st: binary mediation command
Philip Ender <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: Re: st: binary mediation command
Tue, 5 Jul 2011 08:11:04 -0700
Dear Pina,
You didn't include the bootstrap results for the direct and indirect
effects so I can only give general advice. Check the bootstrap
confidence intervals for your direct and indirect effects. In
particular, look at your indirect effects because it seems rather
small. If the confidence interval does not include zero then you can
report the proportion of total effect mediated. If, on the other
hand, the confidence interval includes zero then the proportion
mediated is essentially meaningless since the indirect effect is not
reliably different from zero.
I hope this response helps.
Pina Valle wrote:
>Even when using percentile confidence intervals, is this output relevant since I am trying to determine the >proportion mediated by the indirect effect?
>Indirect effects with binary response variable evercoh
> indir_1 = .00601173 (adrel, binary)
>total indirect = .00601173
>direct effect = .10223182
>total effect = .10824356
> c_path = .10680445
>proportion of total effect mediated = .05553895
>ratio of indirect to direct effect = .05880491
>Binary models use logit regression
Phil Ender
UCLA Statistical Consulting Group
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