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Re: st: basis for selection of observations for nonparametric correlation?
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: basis for selection of observations for nonparametric correlation?
Mon, 4 Jul 2011 08:47:30 +0100
Stata ignores observations in which _any_ value is missing. Zeros are
values like any other so far as Spearman correlation is concerned; in
any case they are ranked before the correlation is calculated, so the
fact that any values are zeros is hidden as well as immaterial.
On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Edith Marshall <[email protected]> wrote:
> Please forgive my ignorance and, thus, need to post - I am new to
> STATA and rusty with my stats!
> I am running Spearman's rank correlation (nonparametric) on a data set
> of 167 observations. I have some missing values and legitimate zeros.
> After selecting the variables of interest and specifying that I want
> to see the the correlation coefficient, the number of observations,
> and the significance value, I get my correlation results table. The
> number of observations is 27 for all variable comparisons. When I
> check the box that forces all observations to be considered and re-run
> the analysis, I get between 24 and 167 observations used for the
> different comparisons.
> Can anyone tell me the basis for which observations are used (the
> default) when I don't force all of them in? I need to decide which
> correlation results to use and don't understand how STATA has selected
> the 27 from the 167. Obviously, I would prefer to have more
> observations but also want the results to be legitimate.
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