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st: RE: Create a row matrix with weighted frequencies from various dummy variables

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Create a row matrix with weighted frequencies from various dummy variables
Date   Fri, 1 Jul 2011 11:58:57 +0100

Note that the reference to -tabcount- should have been explained. But you don't need -tabcount-. 

set seed 10235
set obs 1000
forv i=1/20 {
	gen d`i' = round(uniform())
forv j=1/5 {
	gen z`j' = round(uniform())
generate wt = uniform()

matrix count = J(1, 100, .) 
local k = 0 
qui forv i = 1/20 { 
	forv j = 1/5 { 
		su wt if d`i' == 1 & z`j' == 1, meanonly 
		matrix count[1, `++k'] = r(sum) 

[email protected] 

Nikolaos Kanellopoulos

I have two sets of dummy variables (say d1,...,d20 and z1,...,z5) and I want to 
create a 1x100 matrix where each element will be the weighted frequency for each 
combination between each d-variable and each z-variable when both equal 1 (lets 
say something like this [d1=1&z1=1(wt), 

My thought is to use the following:
clear *
set seed 10235
drop _all
set obs 1000
/*Generate data*/
forv i=1/20 {
        gen d`i' = round(uniform())
forv i=1/5 {
        gen z`i' = round(uniform())
generate wt = uniform()
/*generate 100 variables=1 if both dummy vars=1*/
forv i=1/20 {
forv j=1/5  {
        ta d`i' if d`i'==1 & z`j'==1 , gen(d`i'z`j')
/*Check no missing variables and replace with zero if missing*/
forv i=1/20 {
    forv j=1/5 {
          capt su d`i'z`j'1 
              if _rc!=0 {
                   gen d`i'z`j'1=0
/*use tabcount to create 1x1 matrix with frequency for each dz combination*/
forv i=1/20 {
     forv j=1/5 {
          tabcount d`i'z`j'1 [iw=wt], v1(1) matrix(d`i'z`j')
/*Put in a 1x100 matrix*/
mat D1=d1z1
forv i=2/5 {
     mat D1=D1,d1z`i'
mat D=D1
forv i=2/20 {
     forv j=1/5{
         mat D=D,d`i'z`j'
/*Round the elements of D*/

Is there a more efficient way to do this? Any suggestion is welcome.

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