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Re: st: Counting between 2 variables

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   "<[email protected]>" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Counting between 2 variables
Date   Mon, 30 May 2011 18:19:48 +0000


One approach is to use -collapse- to create your freq by provider/hsc.  Here's an example to get you started:
inp str10 provider_lastname  calls_submitted   str80 hsc_num
Brown   10    "03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work"
Brown   10    "03.05TN DC-Misc Desk Work Multiple Pts"
Brown   2    "03.05UT DC-Telephone with Patient"
Brown   1    "03.05TU Otr Diagnos Inter./Eval."
Jones   1    "03.05TU Otr Diagnos Inter./Eval."
Jones   10    "03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work"
Jones   8    "03.05TN DC-Misc Desk Work Multiple Pts"
Smith   10    "03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work"
Smith   10    "03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work"
Red   10    "03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work"
Red   8    "03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work"
Red   10    "03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work"
collapse (sum) calls_submitted  , by(provider hsc_num)
l, sepby(provider)
outsheet using "test.xls", replace
gr hbar calls_subm, over(hsc_num) over(prov) blabel(bar) nofill

- Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754

On May 30, 2011, at 1:01 PM, Lucie Vlach wrote:

> Hello all!
> I have a problem, and I am not sure what to do. Tried for 3 days.
> I need to generate a new variable, or come up with a command, that will tell me the real count of how many of “hsc_num” each different codes each “provider_lastname”(person) submitted. (“calls_submitted”).
> For example: (top line of data) Brown submitted 10 units of “03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work”. How would I be able to illustrate how many of each type of  “hsc_num” each person submitted. Things would be easy if this dataset only listed everything as per 1 unit of  “calls_submitted”, but the submission units vary from 1 to 52 units in my dataset.
> I want to be able to say something like:
> Brown submitted 340 units of calls, and his “hsc_num” types were distributed this way (in frequencies etc).
> Jones submitted total of 19 units of calls, and his codes were 10 of A, 8 of B, 1 of C, etc...
> I acn graph it or just do tables, anything will be great.
> SAMPLE of dataset:
> provider_lastname,  calls_submitted,   hsc_num
> Brown   10    03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work
> Brown   10    03.05TN DC-Misc Desk Work Multiple Pts
> Brown   2    03.05UT DC-Telephone with Patient
> Brown   1    03.05TU Otr Diagnos Inter./Eval.
> etc.
> Jones   1    03.05TU Otr Diagnos Inter./Eval.
> Jones   10    03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work
> Jones   8    03.05TN DC-Misc Desk Work Multiple Pts
> etc.
> Smith   10    03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work
> Smith   10    03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work
> etc.
> Red   10    03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work
> Red   8    03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work
> Red   10    03.05CJ OC-Misc Desk Work
> <snip>
> Thank you very much for any help!
> Lucie
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