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st: need help with gllamm ordered probit models

From   Lisa Marie Yarnell <>
Subject   st: need help with gllamm ordered probit models
Date   Sun, 29 May 2011 10:52:59 -0700 (PDT)

Hello!  I have run ordered probit models in the past using svy: oprobit.  Those have worked great for me.  But now, I am trying to run ordered probit models using gllamm so that I can nest persons within schools (scid), and I am stumped.  Even in a very basic model (below), I receive error messages.  Do I need to specify the number of random effects, which I have seen on help pages indicated as "eqs(var1 var2 var3)" in the code?  I would like for someone to help me understand what I'm doing wrong in my modeling, so I can get these analyses to run.  Thank you!


. gllamm overwt_notdep boy w1_yrs, i(scid) family(gaussian) link(oprobit) eform pweight(wt)

could not calculate numerical derivatives
flat or discontinuous region encountered
(error occurred in ML computation)
(use trace option and check correctness of initial model)
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