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RE: st: RE: correct egen command to calculate means - please help
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
RE: st: RE: correct egen command to calculate means - please help
Wed, 18 May 2011 19:16:44 +0100
There are various ways to do it. Here's one:
egen group = group(ID)
su group, meanonly
gen mean = .
qui forval i = 1/`r(max)' {
su ID if group == `i', meanonly
local ID = r(mean)
su Value if group == `i', meanonly
replace mean = r(mean) if ParentID == `ID'
Another would to -collapse- to a set of means on ID and then -merge- back matching with ParentID.
[email protected]
Ophelie Desmarais
Thanks a lot for the reply. Sorry for not providing more information:
Let's say I have this dataset:
UniqueID ID ParentID Value
1 1 10
2 1 20
3 2 1 5
4 2 2 5
Basically, I want to add another variable (say "mean_value") that
calculates the mean for (10+20)/2 and assigns the value to UniqueID=3
(since UniqueID=3's ParentID is 1 and this links to UniqueID=1 and
UniqueID=2's ID variable). For UniqueID=4, similarly, the mean_value
would be = 5 (the average value of the observations where
egen mean_value=mean(Value), by(ParentID) would give me 5 and 5 for
UniqueID=3 and UniqueID=4, which is not what I try to get.
Again, thanks for your kind answer.
On 18 May 2011 19:44, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> I don't understand your pseudocode. It looks like
> Y = mean(X) where A = B
> to me.
> Nor is it "obvious" that
> egen MeanRevenueParent=mean(Revenue), by(ParentIndustry)
> is wrong. From your word description it sounds exactly right to me!
> Please give a worked example of what you want for a minimal dataset.
> Note that explanations that assume proficiency in Excel _and_ Stata catch a much smaller set of people than explanations that assume proficiency in Stata.
> (Can we assume that income == revenue?)
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Ophelie Desmarais
> I have tried to find an answer for this on the web but to no avail.
> Simplified, I have following dataset where the unit of observation is
> the industry (IndustryID) with the respective revenue.
> IndustryID, ParentIndustryID, Revenue
> The ParentIndustryID links to IndustryID and reflects the hierachical
> structure of the industries. For each industry, I want to add a
> variable reflecting the mean income of the ParentIndustryID. How do I
> do this in Stata? In Excel, this would be simply using AVERAGEIFS.
> egen MeanRevenueParent=mean(Revenue), by(ParentIndustry) obviously
> does not give the right mean. In terms of pseudo code, this should be
> something like:
> MeanRevenueParent = Mean(Revenue) WHERE ParentIndustry=IndustryID
> Could anyone help me out? I don't want to switch around with Excel all the time.
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