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st: overlay bar and line graphs in STATA

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: overlay bar and line graphs in STATA
Date   Wed, 18 May 2011 14:44:22 +0000 (GMT)

I am using STATA 11.

Wonder if you can help me out on the following:

I have 2 graphs,
1) bar graph: y axis: # of flu positive cases; x-axis: calendar period
2) line graph: y axis: percent of swabs which are flu positive; x-axis: calendar period

the x-axis is common to both graphs.
I now want to create a single graph (bar graph overlay on line graph) with y1 ( # of flu positive cases) and y2 axis (percent of swabs which are flu positive) and x-axis as common.

In stata, can I overlay (not combine side by side) a bar graph on a line graph in the same graph?

The "graph combine" option combines graphs but does not overlay them. The "addplot" option works only if both the graphs to be combined are twoway line graphs.

hope you can help me on this.


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