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st: XTLOGIT: Predicted Diminishing Returns

From   Dennis Kramer <>
Subject   st: XTLOGIT: Predicted Diminishing Returns
Date   Tue, 17 May 2011 12:37:30 -0400


I am using a --xtlogit-- model to predict the probability of passing
an assessment based on student and teacher absences. I am using the
following commands:

xi: xtlogit Test_Score STD_Absent Tch_Absent STD_TCH_Absence
i.Course_Grade male i.race frl lep migrant gifted CLASS_MEAN i.year,

However, I want to get the predicted probabilities of passing for each
individual absence value. Meaning, I want to look at the probability
of passing the test with missing one, two, three, etc days.
Theoretically there must be some diminishing impact on passing as
going from 1 to 2days absent might be more influential then going from
15 to 16 days.

The only way I can conceptualize ascertaining this results (and
graphing) them would be to create a "trick dataset" where I populate
the sample coefficients and run the predictions for _n-1. I assume
there is an easier way; however it is not clear to me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
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