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Re: st: How to genrate a variable containing some values of other variable

From   Oliver Jones <>
Subject   Re: st: How to genrate a variable containing some values of other variable
Date   Thu, 05 May 2011 14:55:06 +0200

maybe this works for you

gen int newvar = 0
local row = 0
forval i = 1(5)305 {
	local row = `row' + 1
	replace newvar = `i' in `row'


Am 05.05.2011 14:50, schrieb Alberto R Osella:
Dear Statalisters,

I'm workin with Stata 11.2 on Windows and have the following problem:

I has a variable which takes on values from 1 to 301 and I want to generate a new variable
which should take on the following values 1,6,11,...,305 (1(5)305).

So if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful.

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Ökonometrie und Statistik
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Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Chair of Econometrics and Statistics
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