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st: command forvalues with multiple if expressions

From   Martijn S <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: command forvalues with multiple if expressions
Date   Tue, 3 May 2011 09:57:25 +0200

Hello all,

I have a problem getting the forvalues command working the way I want.
I have the following problem. I have the following variables:
cftassets3ysd, industrycode and year. Where industrycode has a range
from 1-100 and year a range of 1999 to 2009.

Now I want the following. I want for each industrycode in each year
the mean of cftassets3ysd belonging to that industrycode in that year.
Preferably I want all values be generated in one column. I also have
to note that some observations of  cftassets3ysd have missing values,
so as a result I want those to be treated in the right way, thus as
missing values.

Unfortuneatly I cannot get the forvalues loop working.

I hope that someone can help me solving my problem.

Here is a part of my do file of what I want: (year = until 2003 just
to show what I mean)

/* I do not know how to put this in a loop, */
egen sigma_1_1999=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==1  & year==1999
egen sigma_1_2000=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==1  & year==2000
egen sigma_1_2001=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==1  & year==2001
egen sigma_1_2002=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==1  & year==2002
egen sigma_1_2003=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==1  & year==2003

egen sigma_2_1999=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==2  & year==1999
egen sigma_2_2000=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==2  & year==2000
egen sigma_2_2001=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==2  & year==2001
egen sigma_2_2002=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==2  & year==2002
egen sigma_2_2003=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==2  & year==2003

egen sigma_3_1999=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==3  & year==1999
egen sigma_3_2000=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==3  & year==2000
egen sigma_3_2001=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==3  & year==2001
egen sigma_3_2002=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==3  & year==2002
egen sigma_3_2003=mean(cftassets3ysd) if industrycode==3  & year==2003

generate industrysigma = sigma_1_1999 + sigma_1_2000 + sigma_1_2001 +
sigma_1_2002 + sigma_1_2003 + sigma_2_1999 + sigma_2_2000 +
sigma_2_2001 + sigma_2_2002 + sigma_2_2003



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