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st: Variation on lincom for bootstrapped coefficients

From   Jessica Ellen Leight <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Variation on lincom for bootstrapped coefficients
Date   Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:06:19 -0400

Good afternoon,

I am resubmitting a previous question on lincom with the code for my estimation
procedure included below.

The question is:

I have estimated a regression using a two-step manual bootstrap procedure,
essentially the following (X is itself an estimated object, hence the two-step

Y = AX + BX^2

I would now like to do a lincom-like procedure to find the standard error of a
linear combination of these parameters A and B.  More specifically, I'd like to
find the standard error of (A+BX) at each value of X.  Is there any way I can
adapt lincom to manually input the coefficients and standard errors I have
already estimated, rather than using it as a postestimation command, or is
there any other command that can be used for this purpose?

Thank you.
Jessica Leight

cap prog drop myprogram
prog def myprogram
args variable reps


use "Stata data files\Household data collapsed with Gini", clear

tempfile main bootsave
set seed 12345

qui tab year, gen(yearfixed)
qui tab villageid, gen(villagefixed)

qui probit allocation2 residualint yearfixed* villagefixed*
qui predict phat
qui gen phatsq=phat^2

qui reg `variable' yearfixed* villagefixed* phat v3_a057
gen phat_1_`variable'=_b[phat]
qui replace phat_1_`variable'=round(phat_1_`variable', .001)
global phat_1_`variable'=phat_1_`variable'

qui reg `variable' yearfixed* villagefixed* v3_a057 phat phatsq
gen phat_2_`variable'=_b[phat]
gen phatsq_`variable'=_b[phatsq]
qui replace phat_2_`variable'=round(phat_2_`variable', .0001)
qui replace phatsq_`variable'=round(phatsq_`variable', .001)
global phat_2_`variable'=phat_2_`variable'
global phatsq_`variable'=phatsq_`variable'

gen p_0=phat_2_`variable'/(-phatsq_`variable'*2)
replace p_0=round(p_0,.001)
global p_0_`variable'=p_0

gen mteupper=phat_2_`variable'+2*phatsq_`variable'
replace mteupper=round(mteupper, .001)
global mteupper_`variable'=mteupper

drop phat* p_0 mteupper
qui save `main', replace
capture erase `bootsave'
qui postfile bsresults phat_1 phat_2 phatsq_2 using `bootsave', replace

*/ Begin bootstrap replications */
forvalues b=1/`reps' {
use `main', replace
disp "`variable' iteration # `b'"

noisily capture qui probit allocation2 residualint yearfixed* villagefixed*, 
qui predict phat
qui gen phatsq=phat^2

*/ Regressions */
qui reg `variable' yearfixed* villagefixed* phat v3_a057
local temp1=_b[phat]
qui reg `variable' yearfixed* villagefixed* phat phatsq v3_a057
post bsresults (`temp1') (_b[phat]) (_b[phatsq])

drop phat* `temp*'

qui postclose bsresults
use `bootsave', clear
foreach x of varlist phat_1 phat_2 phatsq {
egen se_`x'_`variable'=sd(`x')
qui replace se_`x'_`variable'=round(se_`x'_`variable', .001)
global se_`x'_`variable'=se_`x'_`variable'

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